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Code Composer Studio™ integrated development environment (IDE)
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Release Information
The Code Composer Studio™ IDE is a complete integrated suite that enables developers to create and debug applications of all Texas Instruments Embedded Processors (Sitara, DSP, Automotive, Keystone), Microcontrollers (SimpleLink™, C2000 Digital Control, MSP430, TM4C, Hercules), as well as Digital Power (UCD) and Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA) devices.
CCS v20 is TI’s next generation Integrated Development Environment (IDE) based on Theia IDE framework. CCS v20.0.2 uses a modified version of the Theia-IDE framework and offers a user experience similar to Visual Studio Code™.
- Installation instructions and User's Guide
- Windows 32bit is not supported with CCSv20.
- XDS510 class debug probes are not supported with CCSv20.
What's new
- v20.0.2 is a maintenance release based on v20.0.1, with the following updates:
- Fixed XDS110 firmware update issue on some F28x LaunchPads
- Fixed issue with multi-root workspaces project debug launch failure
- Fixed issue with some C2000Ware example projects imported with broken links
- Various debug enhancements and bug fixes