



Linux プロセッサ SDK、AM57x 用


Code Composer Studio IDE for Windows Host

Code Composer Studio IDE for Linux Host

AM57xx Pin Mux Configuration Utility

Only used when creating an SD Card on Windows

MD5 チェックサム

Standalone Linaro Toolchain - Linaro GCC 6.2.1 2016.11 hard-float toolchain

AM57xx Linux SDK BSP Source Code

MD5 チェックサム

AM57xx Linux SDK prebuilt BSP binaries and root filesystem

MD5 チェックサム

AM57xx Linux SDK Arago source downloads

MD5 チェックサム

Quick Start Guide that was included in the EVM kit

Arm ベースのプロセッサ
AM5706 Sitara プロセッサ:セキュア・ブート機能搭載、コスト最適化 Arm Cortex-A15 と DSP AM5708 Sitara プロセッサ:マルチメディア機能とセキュア・ブート機能搭載、コスト最適化 Arm Cortex-A15 と DSP AM5716 Sitara プロセッサ: Arm Cortex-A15 と DSP AM5718 Sitara プロセッサ: Arm Cortex-A15 と DSP、マルチメディア AM5726 Sitara プロセッサ:デュアル Arm Cortex-A15 とデュアル DSP AM5728 Sitara プロセッサ:デュアル Arm Cortex-A15 とデュアル DSP、マルチメディア AM5749 Sitara プロセッサ:デュアル Arm Cortex-A15 とデュアル DSP、マルチメディア、ECC 搭載 DDR、セキュア・ブート、ディープ・ラーニング


Instructions for creating an SD Card with Linux

Instructions for creating an SD Card with Windows

Link to Release Notes for Processor SDK Linux

Link to the online Software Developers Guide which has the latest content

Link to the Linux Porting Guide for AM571x/AM570x Speed Grades

Software Manifest of Components Inside the SDK


Thank you for your interest in the AM57x Software Development Kit (SDK). If you would like to install the full SDK on a Linux Host computer for development, you'll need the AM57x Linux SDK Essentials below. If you would like to evaluate the SDK by running it on one of the below platforms and you prefer not to install the full SDK at this time, please see the AM57x Linux SDK SD Card Creation section below.

More Information If you'd like more information on all of these choices, please refer to the Processor SDK Linux Getting Started Guide (GSG) below or the latest version here . For a complete overview of the SDK, please refer to the Processor SDK Linux Software Developer's Guide (SDG) below or the latest version here .