SLUUCW4 November 2023 BQ27Z558
Convert the .log file to a .csv file by renaming the file format. Create a blank .csv file and copy into the first, second, third, and fourth columns the time, voltage, current, and temperature, respectively. Make sure that your units for each of these are seconds, millivolts, milliamps, and Celsius. The first row can be names for each of the columns, which the tool skips assuming there is only one row of names before the data begins. Figure 2-5 is an example of the required .csv file formatting as well as the first few rows of data.
After processing, an e-mail is sent to the e-mail address provided when logging into to use the GPC Tool with a report that indicates the results of the tool’s process. The report contains the selected ChemID and a list of additional ChemIDs that satisfy the “less than 3%” error criteria. For example, this can be useful to verify that a ChemID used previously is still good. If any formatting mistakes or other errors are present, then those are reflected in the report.