DLPU112 October   2021 DLPC6540


  1.   Trademarks
  2. 1System Requirements
  3. 2Software Installation and Driver Installation
  4. 3EVM Selection
  5. 4User Interface Overview
  6. 5Connecting to the EVM
  7. 6Updating the Firmware
  8. 7Troubleshooting
  9. 8Event Logging and Command Logging
    1. 8.1 Event Logging
    2. 8.2 Command Logging
  10. 9Advanced Mode
    1. 9.1 Connection Page
    2. 9.2 Scripting Page
    3. 9.3 Command Pages

Command Logging

The Command Log page in the Debug section lists the timestamp, command, transmit & receive data sent to the EVM.

For DLP2010/3010/4710LC,

  • Transmit data includes the read/write command opcode and command parameter
  • Read data includes read command returned data

For DLP471TP,

  • Transmit data includes the read/write command Header (1 byte), Opcode (1 or 2 bytes), Length (2 bytes), Command Parameter (0 to 510 bytes), and Checksum (if enabled at the Connection Page)
  • Read data includes the response Header (1 byte), Length (2 bytes), returned read data (0 to 510 bytes), and Checksum (if enabled at the Connection Page)

The user also has the option to export batch-able WRITE command(s) to a batch file for use later.

GUID-20211027-SS0I-GWF7-QTS0-W7SMDKH7TNCC-low.png Figure 8-2 Command Log