SLVAE11A August   2018  – January 2021 TPS65987D , TPS65988


  1.   Trademarks
  2. 1Introduction
  3. 2TPS65987D GPIO Event List
  4. 3GPIO Events Register and Example Settings
    1. 3.1 GPIO Event Example Settings
    2. 3.2 Application Configuration GPIO Event Settings
  5. 4PD Controller Customization by GPIO Events
    1. 4.1 Barrel Jack Connect Event PD Flow
    2. 4.2 Barrel Jack Remove Event PD Flow
  6. 5Status Register and 4CC Commands
    1. 5.1 GPIO Status Monitoring
    2. 5.2 Using 4CC GPIO Commands
  7. 6Revision History

TPS65987D GPIO Event List

TPS65987D firmware implements specific events that can be tied to GPIOs. These assigned events dictate the behavior of a system in response to a defined hardware or USB event. The TPS6598x Application Customization tool can be used to assign events to specific GPIOs. Table 2-1 lists all the GPIO events that are available in TPS65987D and their behavior.

Table 2-1 List of TPS65987D GPIO Events
Event Name I/O Active State Behavior
Port 0 Plug Event Output High
  • Asserted high when plug event (attached state) has occurred.
  • Asserted low when disconnected.
Port 0 Cable Orientation Event Output High
  • Asserted high when plug is connected upside-down.
  • Asserted low when the plug is connected upside-up or disconnected.
Port 0 AMSEL Event Output N/A(Tri-state)
  • Asserted high when DisplayPort alternate mode is entered and pin assignment A/C/E.
  • Asserted low when DisplayPort alternate mode is entered and pin assignment B/D/F.
  • High-Z when DisplayPort alternate mode is not entered.
Port 0 Source PDO 0 Negotiated
Port 0 Source PDO 1 Negotiated
Port 0 Source PDO 2 Negotiated
Port 0 Source PDO 3 Negotiated
Output High Asserted high when source PDO x has been negotiated, otherwise low.
Port 0 Source PDO Negotiated TT 1
Port 0 Source PDO Negotiated TT 2
Port 0 Source PDO Negotiated TT 3
Input High These 3 Events combine to form a 3-bit truth table to allow digital outputs indicating the active state of up to 7 PDOs. TT 3 is the most-significant bit (MSB) and TT 1 is the least significant bit (LSB).
Output Enabled Without Event Output N/A Acting as an output without any event.
Port 0 PDIO In 0 Event
Port 0 PDIO In 1 Event
Port 0 PDIO In 2 Event
Port 0 PDIO In 3 Event
Input N/A

Input GPIO event for PDIO Alternate Mode (when supported by both port partners and mode is entered). A change in state of PDIO In x will trigger a PDIO Alternate Mode message to be sent to the port partner.

PDIO Out x will reflect the value of this signal after the PDIO Alternate Mode message is received by the port partner. These events do not have a pre-determined active state.

Port 0 PDIO Out 0 Event
Port 0 PDIO Out 1 Event
Port 0 PDIO Out 2 Event
Port 0 PDIO Out 3 Event
Output N/A Output GPIO event for PDIO Alternate Mode.
When PDIO Alternate Mode is supported by both port partners and entered, output follows GPIO pin mapped to PDIO In x event on port partner.
Port 0 USB3 Event Output High Z High-Z when data connection is USB3 on Port 0, low in all other cases.
Port 0 DP Mode Select Event Output High
  • Asserted high when data connection is DisplayPort (either 4-Lane mode or 2- Lane+USB3 mode).
  • Asserted low when Type-C port is disconnected or DisplayPort mode is not active.
Port 0 User SVID Active Event Output High Asserted high when port is in User SVID Alternate Mode, otherwise low.
Port 0 Source Sink Event Output N/A(Tri-state)
  • Asserted high when port is operating as a Source.
  • Asserted low when port is operating as a Sink.
Port 0 DP or USB3 Event Output High
  • Asserted high when data connection is DisplayPort or USB3.
  • Asserted low if neither data mode is active or port is disconnected.
Port 0 UFP DFP Event Output High
  • Asserted high when port is operating as UFP.
  • Asserted low when port is operating as DFP.
Port 0 TBT Event Output High Asserted high when data connection is thunderbolt otherwise low.
Port 0 Billboard Event Output High Asserted high when Billboard is presented, otherwise low.
Port 0 Fault Input Event Input Low Used to allow external devices to enable error recovery on a given port. There is one fault condition input per port. When set low port enters Error Recovery State. When set high, no action.
Port 0 FRSwap Input Event Input N/A On the falling edge of input event, a device configured as a Source will enable the FRS pulldown on the CC pin and start the FRS process. No action on rising edge of input event.
Port 0 Fault_Condition_Active_Low_ Event Output Low Asserts low on an overcurrent event.
Port 0 Load App Config 1 Event
Port 0 Load App Config 2 Event
Port 0 Load App Config 3 Event
Input N/A Upon Rising Edge:
  • App Config Set for GPIO = High will be loaded as the active configuration.
  • 1st 4CC Data and Command is written to selected CMDX register (optional).
  • 2nd 4CC Data and Command (or PD Task) is written to selected CMDX register (optional).
Upon Falling Edge:
  • App Config Set for GPIO = Low will be loaded as the active configuration.
  • 1st 4CC Data and Command is written to selected CMDX register (optional).
  • 2nd 4CC Data and Command (or PD Task) is written to selected CMDX register (optional).
Port 0 Sink Greater Than Threshold Event Output High
  • Asserted high when in an active PD contract and Sinking less than threshold setting.
  • Asserted low when any other sink or source PD contract is active, no PD contract is active, or port is disconnected.
Port 0 Retimer_PWR_EN_Event Output High Asserted high when USB Type-C connection is present, or when the "Retimer_SoC_Force_PWR_Event" is asserted high. Otherwise, this event is asserted low.
Port 0 Retimer_Reset_N_Event Output High Asserted high when a USB Type-C connection is present and asserted low when there is no USB Type-C connection present. Upon a USB Type-C connection, first the "Retimer_PWR_EN_Event_Portx" event will occur, and then this event will occur tRetimerForcePowerDelay later. When a USB Type-C connection is removed, first this event will go low, and then "Retimer_PWR_EN_Event_Portx" event will happen tRetimerForcePowerDelay later. tRetimerForcePowerDelay is set in the 0x43 Delay Configuration Register.
Port 0 Prochot N Event Output High A signal to the main SOC to notify it of any changes in power capabilities. When this event is asserted, typically the main SOC will reduce its power consumption until it has re-evaluated the new power capabilities of the system. This event is asserted high when the device enters Unattached.SRC, Unattached.SNK, when sending a Request message, sending an Accept message to a PR_SWAP request, or when a PD3.0 Fast Role Swap occurs. This event is asserted low when the ProcHot interrupt in the IntEventX register (0x14 for port 1, 0x15 for port 2) is cleared.
Retimer SOC OVR Force Power Event Input High When this input is asserted (high), the PD controller (through the Retimer_PWR_EN_Event_Portx GPIO event) will instruct the external retimers to power on always, even when no USB Type-C connection is present. When this input is deasserted (low), the PD controller will only instruct the external retimers to power on when a USB Type-C connection is present.
Barrel Jack Detect Event Input High Upon Rising Edge (Barrel Jack detected):
  • Clear Dead Battery Flag
  • Set Externally Powered = 1
  • Swap to Source
Upon Falling Edge (Barrel Jack removed):
  • Set Externally Powered = 0
  • Swap to Sink
UFP Indicator Event Output High Asserted high when at least one port has a data role of UFP, otherwise low.
Prevent DR Swap to UFP_Event Input High When high DR_Swap requests that would result in the target port changing to the UFP role will be rejected.
High Current Contract Active Event Output High Asserted high when at least one port has negotiated a source contract exceeding 5 V at 0.9 A, otherwise low.
Prevent High Current Contract Active Event Input High When high source capabilities are reduced to only 5 V at 0.9 A.
Port 0 Audio Mode Event Output High This event is asserted when an Audio Accessory (Ra/Ra) is attached.
Port 0 Source Power Greater Than Threshold Output High
  • This event is asserted high when the USB Type-C implicit contract of the explicit USB PD contract currently negotiated is allowing the sourcing of power greater than the threshold value programmed in the PowerThresAsSourceContract Byte 7 in the Port Configuration Register (0x28).
  • Asserted low when the currently negotiated contract is less than the programmed threshold.
Port 0 Debug Accessory Event Output High Asserted high when debug accessory mode is detected, otherwise low.
Port 0 Sink PDO 0 Negotiated
Port 0 Sink PDO 1 Negotiated
Port 0 Sink PDO 2 Negotiated
Port 0 Sink PDO 3 Negotiated
Output High This event is asserted when the TXSinkPDO1 from the TX Sink Capabilities Register (0x33) has been negotiated. Otherwise, this event is deasserted.
Port 0 Sink PDO Negotiated TT 1
Port 0 Sink PDO Negotiated TT 2
Port 0 Sink PDO Negotiated TT 3
Input High These 3 Events combine to form a 3-bit truth table to allow digital outputs indicating the active state of up to 7 PDOs. TT 3 is the most-significant bit (MSB) and TT 1 is the least significant bit (LSB).
Port 0 Vconn On Output High Asserted high when PP_CABLE1 is enabled to source VCONN.
Disabled N/A N/A GPIO is disabled.

Port 0 PR_Swap_Ext_Vbus_Dsch



This event causes the mapped GPIO to be pulled low after a PR_Swap to enable an external VBUS discharge circuit during a power-role swap on port 0
PP1 Switch Event Output High
  • Asserted high when PP1 switch is closed.
  • Asserted low when PP1 switch opens.
Port 0 I2C1 Master IRQ Event Input High When this input is asserted, it generates an interrupt to the I2C1 master so it can properly respond to an external retimer.
Port 0 I2C3 Master IRQ Event Input High When this input is asserted, it generates an interrupt to the I2C3 master so it can properly respond to an external retimer.
Port 0 USB2 on HS MUX Event Output High
  • Asserted high when USB2 is active, otherwise low.

Port 0 BC1.2_Host_Pull_Down_Enable_Event



This event is set low when BC1.2 ChargerAdvertiseEnable bits are set to one of the DCP modes in the Port Control Register (0x29) to disable the USB2.0 Host Pulldowns (Hi-Z them), if the USB Host needs an external signal to disable its pulldowns, so the BC1.2 DCP modes can function properly. This event is also asserted low when there is no USB Type-C connection. Otherwise, it is asserted high.
Sink Arbitration GPIO Output Output High Works in conjunction with Sink_Arbitration_Input to ensure only one sinking path in the system is turned on.
Sink Arbitration GPIO Input Input High On a falling edge of this GPIO, the PD controller will evaluate the policy engine state and context for each port. If appropriate, the PD controller will enable the sink paths for one or both ports. Before enabling the sink paths, the Sink_Arbitration_Output will be driven high, and the PD controller will wait for the MultiPortSinkNonOverlapTime which is set in the Global System Configuration register (0x27). On a rising edge of this GPIO, the PD controller disables the sink paths for the ports that are connected to a USB PD source The PD controller also drives the Sink_Arbitration_Output low.