SLYA060 August   2022 TMAG5110 , TMAG5110-Q1 , TMAG5111 , TMAG5111-Q1


  1.   Abstract
  2.   Trademarks
  3. Introduction
  4. System Block Diagram
  5. Key System Specifications
  6. HW Connections
  7. Software
    1. 5.1 TI-RSLK LaunchPad Software
    2. 5.2 LaunchPad Software
  8. How to Design With Hall-Effect Latches
  9. Simulation Results
    1. 7.1 Select Device Sensitivity
    2. 7.2 Select Axis of Sensitivity
  10. Performance Comparison
    1. 8.1 Speed and Direction
    2. 8.2 Power Consumption
    3. 8.3 Susceptibility to External Particles
  11. Encoder Board Schematic and Image
  12. 10Summary

Simulation Results

To develop a board that can replace the two 1D latches used in the TI RSLK kit with a 2D latch solution, it was necessary to perform simulations. This ensures that the right sensitivity variant of the device is selected, confirms that the ideal axis of sensitivity is selected, and can help identify practical placement for the magnet and sensor.

The purpose of this board was to create a replacement for the existing TI-RSLK encoder board, therefore the simulation was carried out to use similar ring magnet specifications as the current encoder and similar placement. Figure 7-1 shows the ring magnet placement, and Figure 7-2 shows the results of the simulation.

GUID-20220705-SS0I-RZWC-SS68-DST65PTFNTJW-low.pngFigure 7-1 Ring Magnet Simulation Placement.
GUID-20220705-SS0I-ZPJD-S6SM-VTBQDGJZWWWN-low.pngFigure 7-2 Ring Magnet Simulation Results.