SLUAA94 December   2020 BQ24190 , BQ24195 , BQ24195L , BQ24295 , BQ24297 , BQ25600D , BQ25601D , BQ25606 , BQ25611D , BQ25616 , BQ25890 , BQ25890H , BQ25895 , BQ25898D


  1.   Trademarks
  2. USB Battery Charging Specification 1.2 (BC1.2)
  3. HVDCP, USB Type-C, and USB PD
  4. Input Current Limit Detection Capability Comparison
  5. BQ24190, BQ24195, and BQ24195L
  6. BQ24295
  7. BQ24297
  8. BQ25890 and BQ25895
  9. BQ25890H and BQ25898D
  10. BQ25601D, BQ25600D, and BQ25611D
  11. 10BQ25606 and BQ25616
  12. 11Summary
  13. 12References

BQ25606 and BQ25616

The USB input current limit detection capability for BQ25606/BQ25616 are the same as BQ25601D/BQ25600D/BQ25611D. The only difference is that BQ25606 and BQ25616 are standalone chargers without host control. The input current limit for BQ25606 and BQ25616 is determined by ILIM pin when the input adapter is detected as unknown.

Table 10-1 Input Current Limit Setting from D+/D– Detection
D+/D- Detection Input Current Limit
USB SDP (USB500) 500 mA
Divider 3 1 A
Divider 1 2.1 A
Divider 4 2.4 A
Divider 2 2 A
Unknown Adapter Set by ILIM pin
Table 10-2 Non-Standard Adapter Detection
Non-Standard Adapter D+ Threshold D- Threshold Input Current Limit
Divider 1 VD+ within V2P7_VTH VD- within V2P0_VTH 2.1 A
Divider 2 VD+ within V1P2_VTH VD- within V1P2_VTH 2 A
Divider 3 VD+ within V2P0_VTH VD- within V2P7_VTH 1 A
Divider 4 VD+ within V2P7_VTH VD- within V2P7_VTH 2.4 A