특정 정보 및 리소스(비-TI 사이트 링크 포함)는 TI의 파트너 네트워크의 회원이 제공할 수 있으며 편의를 위해 여기에 포함되어 있습니다. TI는 이러한 정보 및 리소스의 콘텐츠를 제공할 책임이 없으며, 의도한 용도 및 사용자를 대신하여 신중하게 평가해야 합니다. 이러한 정보 및 리소스를 여기에 포함한다는 것은 TI가 이러한 회사를 보증한다는 의미가 아니며, TI 제품 또는 서비스의 적합성과 관련된 보증이나 표현으로 해석해서는 안 됩니다
System on module vendor for TI Arm-based processors with in-house manufacturing and design services
Created up in 2001 with a mission to reduce the cost and time spent to develop embedded devices, TechNexion has become one of the most respected and fastest growing embedded systems solution providers. TechNexion's system on modules, embedded mainboards, fan-less embedded computers and panel PCs have enabled some of the biggest OEM/ODMs to create successful products used by the multimedia, communications, security, automation and process control industries.
Continuously investing in the latest production technologies, state-of-the-art equipment upgrades and R&D so that all products deliver the benefits of the latest technology, no matter how complex. TechNexion also backs up all products and solutions with an industry-leading longevity commitment, open hardware documentation and open source software.
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- Taiwan
TECHN-3P-SOM-AXON-AM62 — AM6254 쿼드 Cortex-A53 1.4GHz 프로세서용 Technexion AXON-AM62x 시스템 온 모듈
The AXON-AM62x system-on-module (SOM) is the edge processing solution for applications requiring the highest amount of I/O for sensory input, actuation control and edge processing. At just 37 mm × 58 mm, with a PCB footprint optimized board-to-board connector, AXON modules integrate the (...)
TECHN-3P-SOM-ROVY-4VM — TechNexion ROVY-4VM system-on-module for TDA4VM SoC with dual Arm® Cortex®-A72 C7x DSP GPU
The TechNexion ROVY-4VM is a system-on-module (SOM) developed for mobile robotic, industrial automation and machine vision applications. This SOM is designed for real-time processing in embedded vision applications. The TDA4VM SOC integrates dual ARM®v8 Cortex® A72, 6x 1.0 GHz ARM Cortex (...)
TECHN-3P-TEVI-OV5640 — TechNexion TEVI-OV5640 evaluation kits for OV5640 camera module with FFC connector
Camera module evaluation kit from TechNexion compatible with evaluation modules (EVMs) and single-board computers (SBCs) featuring AM6x processors.
Sensor - OmniVision OV5640 MIPI-CSI2 CMOS image sensor: up to 5MP resolution, color, rolling shutter, and on-chip ISP.
Lens - 84 Degree M12 Lens with (...)
TECHN-3P-VLI-X-SL — TechNexion VizionLink fully-enclosed, IP68 camera modules based on FPD-Link III serializers, S-mount
Fully-enclosed, IP68 camera modules from TechNexion based on FPD-Link III serializers compatible with evaluation modules (EVMs) and single-board computers (SBCs) featuring AM6x and TDA4x processors.
Each camera module is based on color image sensors with varying resolution and performance for a (...)