


AM26C32C 已停止生產
open-in-new 比較替代產品
AM26C32 現行 四路差分線路接收器 Replacement


Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) to
Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) to
SSOP (DB) 16 48.36 mm² 6.2 x 7.8
  • Meets or exceeds the requirements of ANSI TIA/EIA-422-B, TIA/EIA-423-B, and ITU recommendation V.10 and V.11
  • Low power, I CC = 10 mA typical
  • ±7-V Common-mode range with ±200-mV sensitivity
  • Input hysteresis: 60 mV typical
  • t pd = 17 ns typical
  • Operates from a single 5-V supply
  • 3-State outputs
  • Input fail-safe circuitry
  • Improved replacements for AM26LS32 device
  • Available in Q-temp automotive
  • Meets or exceeds the requirements of ANSI TIA/EIA-422-B, TIA/EIA-423-B, and ITU recommendation V.10 and V.11
  • Low power, I CC = 10 mA typical
  • ±7-V Common-mode range with ±200-mV sensitivity
  • Input hysteresis: 60 mV typical
  • t pd = 17 ns typical
  • Operates from a single 5-V supply
  • 3-State outputs
  • Input fail-safe circuitry
  • Improved replacements for AM26LS32 device
  • Available in Q-temp automotive

The AM26C32 device is a quadruple differential line receiver for balanced or unbalanced digital data transmission. The enable function is common to all four receivers and offers a choice of active-high or active-low input. The 3-state outputs permit connection directly to a bus-organized system. Fail-safe design specifies that if the inputs are open, the outputs always are high. The AM26C32 devices are manufactured using a BiCMOS process, which is a combination of bipolar and CMOS transistors. This process provides the high voltage and current of bipolar with the low power of CMOS to reduce the power consumption to about one-fifth that of the standard AM26LS32, while maintaining AC and DC performance.

The AM26C32 device is a quadruple differential line receiver for balanced or unbalanced digital data transmission. The enable function is common to all four receivers and offers a choice of active-high or active-low input. The 3-state outputs permit connection directly to a bus-organized system. Fail-safe design specifies that if the inputs are open, the outputs always are high. The AM26C32 devices are manufactured using a BiCMOS process, which is a combination of bipolar and CMOS transistors. This process provides the high voltage and current of bipolar with the low power of CMOS to reduce the power consumption to about one-fifth that of the standard AM26LS32, while maintaining AC and DC performance.



star =TI 所選的此產品重要文件
檢視所有 1
類型 標題 日期
* Data sheet AM26C32 Quadruple Differential Line Receiver datasheet (Rev. M) PDF | HTML 2023年 10月 16日


  • RoHS
  • 產品標記
  • 鉛塗層/球物料
  • MSL 等級/回焊峰值
  • MTBF/FIT 估算值
  • 材料內容
  • 認證摘要
  • 進行中持續性的可靠性監測
  • 晶圓廠位置
  • 組裝地點