e-con Systems NeduCAM camera modules based on FPD-Link III serializers




NeduCAM is a product family of camera modules based combining various image sensors with an FPD-Link III serializer for supporting multiple remotely located cameras through serial connections to a host processor. 

NeduCAMxx products are the camera module only, which is a fully-assembled 2-board stack-up consisting of a sensor board and a serializer board.

NeduCAMxx-CUTDA4 are starter kits developed to support the non-standard 40-pin CSI connector on the SK-TDA4 evaluation module for TDA4VM, which include a 4-channel deserializer adapter board, a 15-m coaxial cable assembly with FAKRA connectors on both ends, and a single NeduCAMxx camera module to begin evaluating the end-to-end system from image sensor to applications processor.  

In addition to SK-TDA4VM, the NeduCAMxx-CUTDA4 evaluation kits are also compatible with SK-AM68, SK-AM69, and other starter kit EVMs using the same 40-pin connector for high bandwidth vision processing.

  • 30 mm x 30 mm PCB size (camera module stack-up), 65 mm x 67 mm (deserializer)
  • Industry-standard FAKRA connectors, 15-m cable assembly provided in CUTDA4 kit
  • FPD-Link serial data and power over a single coaxial cable
  • Bare PCBs, fully assembled, M12 mount with appropriate lens installed
  • Power supplied through coaxial cable plugged into FAKRA connector
  • Various camera sensors for different applications
  • V4L2 Linux driver, gstreamer supported by e-con Systems
FPD-Link SerDes
DS90UB953-Q1 2MP(メガピクセル)/60fps カメラとレーダー向け、2MP MIPI® CSI FPD-2 FPD-Link III シリアライザ DS90UB960-Q1 デュアル CSI-2 出力ポート搭載、クワッド、2MP(メガピクセル)カメラ・ハブ FPD-Link III デシリアライザ


V3Link SerDes
TDES960 高速センサ向け、4.16Gbps、MIPI® CSI-2 V³Link デシリアライザ・クワッド・ハブ TSER953 高速センサ向け、 4.16Gbps、MIPI® CSI-2 V³Link シリアライザ
ダウンロード 字幕付きのビデオを表示 ビデオ
画像の提供元: e-con Systems Inc.



NEDUCAM25 — AR0234 2.3-MP global shutter camera module with serializer, FAKRA connector


NEDUCAM25-CUTDA4 — NeduCAM25 evaluation kit with 4-channel deserializer board for SK-TDA4VM


NEDUCAM81-CUTDA4 — NeduCAM81 evaluation kit with 4-channel deserializer board for SK-TDA4VM

TI の評価品に関する標準契約約款が適用されます。



SK-AM68 ビジョン AI と汎用プロセッサ向け、AM68 と AM68A の各スタータ キット SK-AM69 ビジョン AI と汎用プロセッサ向け、AM69 と AM69A の各スタータ キット SK-TDA4VM エッジAI ビジョン システム向け、TDA4VM プロセッサ スタータ キット


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