我們的音訊線路接收器系列採用精密匹配電阻器,提供同級最佳的共模拒斥比。這些差動線路接收器專為雜訊與 THD+N 最佳化而打造,可提供清晰明瞭的音訊。專為工業及音訊應用而設計。
Application note
Importance of Input Bias Current Return Paths in Instrumentation Amplifier Apps
使用儀器放大器進行設計時的常見應用問題,是忽略 AC 與 DC 應用通往接地的 DC 返回路徑。本文將探討如何輕鬆解決此常見問題。
Application brief
On-Chip Thin Film Resistors Enable High-Performance Audio Circuitry
在需要小尺寸、低失真或優異匹配的音訊產品中,晶片薄膜電阻器 (TFR) 可提供比分離式電阻器更優異的性能。
SPICE 模型準確度,第 1 部分:共模拒斥比
此部落格從共模拒斥比 (CMRR) 開始,針對許多最重要的運算放大器參數提供建議測試電路。
INA1650 評估模組
The INA1650EVM is a hardware platform for evaluating the performance of the INA1650 differential line receiver. The INA1650, a new addition to the SoundPlus™ integrated circuit products, features superior common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) over a wide temperature range and ultra-low distortion and (...)
Be confident in your choice of difference amplifier and easily evaluate and compare devices with the DIFFAMP-EVM. With support for a variety of configurations, this module can be tailored towards your desired application for a reliable evaluation. A DIP adapter section is provided to enable (...)
PSpice® for TI 設計與模擬工具
PSpice® for TI is a design and simulation environment that helps evaluate functionality of analog circuits. This full-featured, design and simulation suite uses an analog analysis engine from Cadence®. Available at no cost, PSpice for TI includes one of the largest model libraries in the (...)