SNOSDA2F August   2020  – June 2024 TLV3604 , TLV3605 , TLV3607


  1.   1
  2. Features
  3. Applications
  4. Description
  5. Pin Configuration and Functions
    1.     Pin Configurations: TLV3604 and TLV3605
    2. 4.1 Pin Configuration: TLV3607
  6. Specifications
    1. 5.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings
    2. 5.2 ESD Ratings
    3. 5.3 Recommended Operating Conditions
    4. 5.4 Thermal Information
    5. 5.5 Electrical Characteristics (VCCI = VCCO = 2.5V to 5V)
    6. 5.6 Typical Characteristics
  7. Detailed Description
    1. 6.1 Overview
    2. 6.2 Functional Block Diagram
    3. 6.3 Feature Description
    4. 6.4 Device Functional Modes
      1. 6.4.1 Rail-to-Rail Inputs
      2. 6.4.2 LVDS Output
  8. Application and Implementation
    1. 7.1 Application Information
      1. 7.1.1 Comparator Inputs
      2. 7.1.2 Capacitive Loads
      3. 7.1.3 Latch Functionality
      4. 7.1.4 Adjustable Hysteresis
    2. 7.2 Typical Application
      1. 7.2.1 Non-Inverting Comparator With Hysteresis
        1. Design Requirements
        2. Detailed Design Procedure
        3. Application Performance Plots
      2. 7.2.2 Optical Receiver
      3. 7.2.3 Logic Clock Source to LVDS Transceiver
      4. 7.2.4 External Trigger Function for Oscilloscopes
    3. 7.3 Power Supply Recommendations
    4. 7.4 Layout
      1. 7.4.1 Layout Guidelines
      2. 7.4.2 Layout Example
  9. Device and Documentation Support
    1. 8.1 Device Support
      1. 8.1.1 Development Support
    2. 8.2 Receiving Notification of Documentation Updates
    3. 8.3 Support Resources
    4. 8.4 Trademarks
    5. 8.5 Electrostatic Discharge Caution
    6. 8.6 Glossary
  10. Revision History
  11. 10Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information

Package Options

Mechanical Data (Package|Pins)
Thermal pad, mechanical data (Package|Pins)
Orderable Information

Electrical Characteristics (VCCI = VCCO = 2.5V to 5V)

VCCI = VCCO = 2.5 to 5V, VEE = 0V, VCM = VEE + 300mV, RLOAD = 100Ω, CL = 1pF probe capacitance, typical at TA = 25°C (unless otherwise noted).
DC Input Characteristics 
VIO (1) Input offset voltage VCCI = VCCO = 2.5V and 5V
TA = –40°C to +125℃ 
-5 ±0.5 5 mV
VCM Input common mode voltage range VCCI = VCCO = 2.5V and 5V
TA = –40℃ to +125℃
VEE – 0.2 VCCI + 0.2 V
VHYST Input hysteresis voltage 0 mV
CIN Input capacitance 1 pF
RDM Input differential mode resistance 67 kΩ
RCM Input common mode resistance 5 MΩ
IB Input bias current VCCI = VCCO = 2.5V and 5V
TA = –40℃ to +125℃
-5 -1 5 uA
IOS Input offset current VCCI = VCCO = 2.5V and 5V
TA = –40℃ to +125℃
-1 1 uA
CMRR (1) Common-mode rejection ratio VCCI = VCCO = 2.5V and 5V
VCM = VEE – 0.2V to VCCI + 0.2V,
TA = –40℃ to +125℃
50 80 dB
PSRR (1) Power-supply rejection ratio VCCI = VCCO = 2.5V to 5V, 
TA = –40℃ to +125℃
55 80 dB
DC Output Characteristics
VOCM Output common mode voltage VCCI = VCCO = 2.5V and 5V
TA = –40℃ to +125℃
1.125 1.2 1.375 V
ΔVOCM Output common mode voltage mismatch VCCI = VCCO = 2.5V and 5V
TA = –40℃ to +125℃
50 mV
VOCM_PP  Peak-to-Peak output common mode voltage  20 mVpp
VOD Differential output voltage VCCI = VCCO = 2.5V and 5V
TA = –40℃ to +125℃
250 350 450 mV
ΔVOD Differential output voltage mismatch VCCI = VCCO = 2.5V and 5V
TA = –40℃ to +125℃
10 mV
Power Supply
ICC (TLV3604) Total quiescent current VCCI = VCCO = 2.5V and 5V
TA = –40℃ to +125℃
12.1 16.5 mA
ICCI (TLV3605) Input stage quiescent current VCCI = VCCO = 2.5V and 5V
TA = –40℃ to +125℃
7.5 10.5 mA
ICCO (TLV3605) Output stage quiescent current VCCI = VCCO = 2.5V and 5V
TA = –40℃ to +125℃
5.2 7.0 mA
ICCI (TLV3607) Input stage quiescent current per channel VCCI = VCCO = 2.5V and 5V
TA = –40℃ to +125℃
7.5 10.5 mA
ICCO (TLV3607) Output stage quiescent current per channel VCCI = VCCO = 2.5V and 5V
TA = –40℃ to +125℃
5.2 7.0 mA
AC Characteristics
tPD Propagation delay VOVERDRIVE = VUNDERDRIVE = 50mV, 50MHz Squarewave 800 ps
tPD_SKEW Propagation delay skew
40 ps
ΔtPD (TLV3607 only) Channel-to-channel propagation delay skew(2) VOVERDRIVE = VUNDERDRIVE = 50mV, 50MHz Squarewave 10 ps
tCM_DISPERSION Common dispersion VCM varied from VEE  to VCCI   200 ps
tOD_DISPERSION Overdrive dispersion Overdrive varied from 10mV to 250mV 350 ps
tUD_DISPERSION Underdrive dispersion Underdrive varied from 10mV to 250mV 200 ps
tR Rise time 20% to 80% 350 ps
tF Fall time 80% to 20% 350 ps
fTOGGLE Input toggle frequency VIN = 200mVPP Sine Wave, 50% Output swing 1.5 GHz
TR Toggle rate VIN = 200mVPP Sine Wave, 50% Output swing 3.0 Gbps
fTOGGLE (TLV3607 only) Input toggle frequency VIN = 200mVPP Sine Wave, 50% Output swing 1.3 GHz
TR (TLV3607 only) Toggle rate VIN = 200mVPP Sine Wave, 50% Output swing 2.6 Gbps
PulseWidth Minimum allowed input pulse width VOVERDRIVE = VUNDERDRIVE = 50mV
PWOUT = 90% of PWIN
600 ps
Latching/Adjustable Hysteresis (TLV3605 and TLV3607)
VHYST Input hysteresis voltage RHYST = Floating 0 mV
VHYST Input hysteresis voltage RHYST = 150kΩ 30 mV
VHYST Input hysteresis voltage RHYST = 56kΩ 60 mV
VIH_LE LE pin input high level VCCI = VCCO = 2.5V and 5V
TA = –40℃ to +125℃
1.5 V
VIL_LE LE pin input low level VCCI = VCCO = 2.5V and 5V
TA = –40℃ to +125℃
0.35 V
IIH_LE LE pin input leakage current VLE = VCCO
TA = –40℃ to +125℃
3.5 uA
IIL_LE LE pin input leakage current VLE = VEE,
TA = –40℃ to +125℃
40 uA
tSETUP Latch setup time –3 ns
tHOLD Latch hold time 6 ns
tPL Latch to Q and Q delay 4 ns
Shutdown Characteristics (TLV3605 and TLV3607)
VIH_SD SHDN pin input high level VCCI = VCCO = 2.5V and 5V
TA = –40℃ to +125℃
1.5 V
VIL_SD SHDN pin input low level VCCI = VCCO = 2.5V and 5V
TA = –40℃ to +125℃
0.4 V
IIH_SD SHDN pin input leakage current VCCI = VCCO = 2.5V and 5V
TA = –40℃ to +125℃
2 uA
IIL_SD SHDN pin input leakage current VCCI = VCCO = 2.5V and 5V
TA = –40℃ to +125℃
30 uA
ICCI_SD Input stage quiescent current per channel in Shutdown mode VCCI = VCCO = 2.5V and 5V
TA = –40℃ to +125℃
1.5 mA
ICCO_SD Output stage quiescent current per channel in Shutdown mode VCCI = VCCO = 2.5V and 5V
TA = –40℃ to +125℃
100 uA
tSLEEP Sleep time from Active to Shutdown mode 10% output swing 8 ns
tWAKEUP Wake up time from Shutdown mode VOD = 50mV, output valid 100 ns
For TLV3605 and TLV3607, the VIO is tested with RHYST = 150kΩ
Differential propagation delay is defined as the larger of the two:
where (MAX) and (MIN) denote the maximum and minimum values
of a given measurement across the different comparator channels.