SNIA053 june   2023 TMP61-Q1


  1.   1
  2.   Abstract
  3.   Trademarks
  4. 1Heat Sink Temperature Sensor Monitoring
  5. 2Test Overview
    1. 2.1 Hardware
      1. 2.1.1 Keysight E3631A Power Supply
      2. 2.1.2 Sorensen DCS 40-25E Programmable DC Power Supply
      3. 2.1.3 B&K Precision 8500 DC Electronic Load
      4. 2.1.4 TDS3014B Tektronix Digital Oscilloscope
      5. 2.1.5 Fluke TiS60+ Thermal Imager
      6. 2.1.6 MSP430F5529LP LaunchPad
    2. 2.2 Isolated Gate Driver
    3. 2.3 IGBT Module
    4. 2.4 NTC Ring Lug
    5. 2.5 TMP6 Ring Lug
    6. 2.6 Schematic
  6. 3Test Implementation
    1. 3.1 Data Collected
    2. 3.2 Test Results
  7. 4Design Recommendations
    1. 4.1 Ring Lugs for the TMP6
    2. 4.2 Thermal Epoxy
  8. 5Summary
  9. 6References


In summary, TIDA-020030 is a reference design used to drive traction inverters which is employed to heat up a heat sink. The temperature of the heat sink is measured by both an NTC and TMP6 ring lug style thermistor. In the test implementation, an IGBT Module is driven by the PWM output drive signal from an isolated gate driver. The IGBT module heated up, resulting in an increase of heat sink temperature. The temperature of the heat sink is captured on a FLIR thermal camera and the temperature data of the ring lug style thermistors is recorded.

GUID-39E87BD4-531A-44BC-B5D2-A8D565747F4E-low.png Figure 5-1 Test Hardware at Room Temperature

Figure 5-1 shows that initially, while at rest, the heat sink and ring lug style thermistors are at the same temperatures.

GUID-C7802DDD-2D62-43F3-82E7-7B0DBB7A436D-low.png Figure 5-2 Thermistor Temperature Response

The temperature response of both thermistors is shown in Figure 5-2. The TMP6 and NTC temperatures diverged over time. At the start, the temperature sensors read the same initial value of approximately 22°C, but there is about a 5°C delta around 10 minutes where the TMP6 reads approximately 43°C and the NTC reads approximately 38°C. At the end of the test, the TMP6 thermistor reads 53.5°C while the NTC reads 46°C. With the heat sink measuring 60°C, the TMP6 provides a more accurate result by 7°C. The response plot shows that throughout the time period the TMP6 consistently provided a more accurate result.