SWRA759 November   2022


  1.   Abstract
  2.   Trademarks
  3. 1Introduction
  4. 2Hardware BOM and Firmware Modification
  5. 3Firmware Compiler Environment Setup (if change or evaluate code are needed)
    1. 3.1 Hardware and Software Prepared
    2. 3.2 Hardware Connection
    3. 3.3 CCS Environment Configuration
  6. 4Upgrade Firmware of CC3235 and OA7000
    1. 4.1 Prepared Components
    2. 4.2 Upgrade CC3235 Firmware
    3. 4.3 Upgrade OA7000 Firmware
  7. 5How to Test Current and Startup Time
    1. 5.1 Prepared Components
    2. 5.2 Setup Test Environment
    3. 5.3 Start Testing

Setup Test Environment

  1. Power connection:
    1. If testing current, Power on from 5 V DC terminal. If only testing functions, USB power input connector is also OK.
  2. Serial port connection:
    1. Plug USB2Uart in PC.
    2. Connect USB2Uart(TTL) pin to TIDA-010224 board J13 as shown in Figure 3-1.
      1. If selecting universal USB to 3.3 V TTL tool, connect J13.3(TX), J13.5(RX) and J13.9(GND).
      2. If selecting CC32xx EVM, connect the pin as shown in the Connections Between CC32xx LaunchPadâ„¢ and Wireless Camera Module (J13 Connector) figure in the Design Guide: TIDA-010224 Low-Power Wireless Camera Reference Design for Extended Battery Life.
  3. Setup serial assist tool:
    1. Open the related USB2Uart port before the following settings:
      1. Baud rate: 115200
      2. Data bits: 8
      3. Parity: none
      4. Stop bit: 1
      5. Handshaking: none
      6. Sending: + CR(Enter key)
  4. Setup net assist tool:
    1. PC connect with AP. Open the TCP server before the following settings:
      1. IP address: PC host IP
      2. Host port: 5001
      3. Receive: HEX
      Note: Close VPN if opened.