- 10.24/20.48GSPS, multi-Nyquist DAC Cores
- Maximum input data rate vs DAC resolution:
- 16-bit: 1.22GSPS complex
- 11-bit: 3.41GSPS complex
- 9-bit, Single channel, DES mode: 15.12GSPS
- 8-bit, Single channel, DES mode: 20.48GSPS
- 9-bit, Dual channel: 7.56GSPS/ch
- 8-bit, Dual channel, 10.24GSPS/ch
- Output bandwidth (–3dB): 12GHz
- Performance at fOUT = 2.997 GHz, DES2XL mode, DEM/Dither on
- Noise floor (small signal): –150dBFS/Hz
- SFDR (–0.1dBFS) : 77dBc
- IMD3 (–7dBFS each tone) : –69dBc
- Four Integrated digital up-converters (DUC)
- Interpolation: 1x, 2x, 3x, 4x, 6x, 8x, 12x ... 256x
- Complex baseband DUC for I/Q output
- Complex to real up conversion for dual channel direct RF sampling
- 64-bit frequency resolution NCOs
- Fast reconfiguration interface for fast frequency hopping
- 4-bit data with 200MHz clock
- 60 ns reconfiguration (32-bit frequency)
- Any frequency hopping with phase coherence
- JESD204C Interface
- Up to 16 Lanes at up to 12.8Gbps
- Class C-S, subclass-1 compatible
- Internal AC coupling capacitors
- SYSREF Windowing for automatic SYSREF timing calibration
The DAC39RF10EF and RFS10EF are a family of dual and single channel digital-to-analog converters (DAC) with 16-bit resolution. The devices can be used as non-interpolating or interpolating DACs for either direct RF sampling or complex baseband signal generation. The maximum input data rate is 20.48GSPS for a single channel or 10.24GSPS for two channels. The device can generate signals of up to 10, 2.73 or 1GHz signal bandwidth (8, 11, and 16-bit input resolution) at carrier frequencies exceeding 8GHz enabling direct sampling through C-band and into X-band.
The high sampling rate, output frequency range, 64-bit NCO frequency resolution and any frequency hopping with phase coherence also makes DAC39RF10EF and RFS10EF capable of arbitrary waveform generation (AWG) and direct digital synthesis (DDS).
A JESD204B and JESD204C compatible serial interface has 16 receiver pairs capable of up to 12.8Gbps. The interface is JESD204B and JESD204C subclass-1 compliant for deterministic latency and multi-device synchronization through the use of SYSREF.
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DAC39RF10EVM — DAC39RF10 평가 모듈
DAC39RF10EVM은 텍사스 인스트루먼트의 DAC39RF10, 디지털-아날로그 컨버터(DAC)의 평가에 사용되는 평가 보드입니다. DAC39RF10은 듀얼 채널, 16/08비트 DAC39RF10은 16비트 해상도를 지원하는 싱글 및 듀얼 채널 디지털-아날로그 컨버터(DAC) 제품군입니다. 이 장치는 싱글 채널 또는 듀얼 채널 비보간 DAC로 사용할 수 있습니다. 이 디바이스는 직접 RF 샘플링 모드 또는 베이스밴드 모드에서 보간 DAC로 사용할 수도 있습니다. 최대 입력 데이터 속도는 싱글 채널 모드에서 20.48GSPS, (...)
PSPICE-FOR-TI — TI 설계 및 시뮬레이션 툴용 PSpice®
TI 설계 및 시뮬레이션 환경용 PSpice는 기본 제공 라이브러리를 이용해 복잡한 혼합 신호 설계를 시뮬레이션할 수 있습니다. 레이아웃 및 제작에 (...)
패키지 | 핀 | CAD 기호, 풋프린트 및 3D 모델 |
FCBGA (ACK) | 256 | Ultra Librarian |
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