DLP 3D 列印與直接成像產品採用特別設計的紫外線裝置,具備精準的像素控制、靈活資料載入與快速,最適合高速、高精度的數位曝光應用。這些產品支援從樹脂式 SLA 3D 列印到數位曝光應用的 400nm 以下應用,例如 PCB 的雷射直接成像 (LDI)、進階封裝、FPD 與半導體晶圓等。此外也提供第三方支援,讓您迅速開始設計。
DLP® 產品第三方搜尋工具
To best meet your design needs and accelerate your time-to-market, DLP® Products works with a variety of third parties to help with everything from optical modules and hardware design to specialty software and other production services. Download one or both search tools listed below to quickly (...)
DLP7000UV DMD 評估板
This DLP evaluation module (EVM) houses DLP7000UV, a 0.7 UV XGA 2xLVDS Type A DMD intended for applications using 363 – 420 nm ultraviolet (UV) illumination sources.
DLPLCRC410 評估模組
The DLPLCRC410EVM, paired with one of five other DMD-based EVMs, is an evaluation platform exhibiting advanced light control for applications like lithography, 3D Printing (SLS and SLA), Machine Vision, and Marking and Coding. This EVM enables evaluations of new customer illumination sources, (...)