SPMA082 August   2021 TM4C1230C3PM , TM4C1230D5PM , TM4C1230E6PM , TM4C1230H6PM , TM4C1231C3PM , TM4C1231D5PM , TM4C1231D5PZ , TM4C1231E6PM , TM4C1231E6PZ , TM4C1231H6PGE , TM4C1231H6PM , TM4C1231H6PZ , TM4C1232C3PM , TM4C1232D5PM , TM4C1232E6PM , TM4C1232H6PM , TM4C1233C3PM , TM4C1233D5PM , TM4C1233D5PZ , TM4C1233E6PM , TM4C1233E6PZ , TM4C1233H6PGE , TM4C1233H6PM , TM4C1233H6PZ , TM4C1236D5PM , TM4C1236E6PM , TM4C1236H6PM , TM4C1237D5PM , TM4C1237D5PZ , TM4C1237E6PM , TM4C1237E6PZ , TM4C1237H6PGE , TM4C1237H6PM , TM4C1237H6PZ , TM4C123AE6PM , TM4C123AH6PM , TM4C123BE6PM , TM4C123BE6PZ , TM4C123BH6PGE , TM4C123BH6PM , TM4C123BH6PZ , TM4C123BH6ZRB , TM4C123FE6PM , TM4C123FH6PM , TM4C123GE6PM , TM4C123GE6PZ , TM4C123GH6PGE , TM4C123GH6PM , TM4C123GH6PZ , TM4C123GH6ZRB , TM4C1290NCPDT , TM4C1290NCZAD , TM4C1292NCPDT , TM4C1292NCZAD , TM4C1294KCPDT , TM4C1294NCPDT , TM4C1294NCZAD , TM4C1297NCZAD , TM4C1299KCZAD , TM4C1299NCZAD , TM4C129CNCPDT , TM4C129CNCZAD , TM4C129DNCPDT , TM4C129DNCZAD , TM4C129EKCPDT , TM4C129ENCPDT , TM4C129ENCZAD , TM4C129LNCZAD , TM4C129XKCZAD , TM4C129XNCZAD


  1.   Trademarks
  2. 1TFT LCD Overview
    1. 1.1 Typical Interfaces
    2. 1.2 Frame Buffer
      1. 1.2.1 Frame Buffer Size Calculation
    3. 1.3 Frame Rate (FPS)
    4. 1.4 Touch Display
  3. 2LCD Controller Overview
    1. 2.1 Block Diagram
      1. 2.1.1 Raster Controller
      2. 2.1.2 LIDD Controller
  4. 3TivaWare Graphics Library (grlib)
    1. 3.1 Graphics Library Structure
      1. 3.1.1 Display Driver Overview
      2. 3.1.2 Low-Level Primitive Graphics API Overview
      3. 3.1.3 Widget API Overview
      4. 3.1.4 Input Driver Overview
  5. 4Display Driver Adaptation
    1. 4.1 Off-Screen Display Drivers
    2. 4.2 Individual Display Driver Functions
      1. 4.2.1 Init
      2. 4.2.2 ColorTranslate
      3. 4.2.3 PixelDraw
      4. 4.2.4 PixelDrawMultiple
      5. 4.2.5 LineDrawH
      6. 4.2.6 LineDrawV
      7. 4.2.7 RectFill
      8. 4.2.8 Flush
  6. 5Fonts
    1. 5.1 Creating Custom Fonts for Different Languages
  7. 6Useful Utilities
    1. 6.1 Pnmtoc
    2. 6.2 mkstringtable and ftrasterize
  8. 7References
  9.   A Appendix A

Display Driver Overview

The display driver layer provides a standard programming interface to the graphics library code allowing it to draw actual pixels on the display. The API is simple (draw horizontal and vertical lines, copy a line of pixels to a position on the screen, plot a single pixel) and is not typically accessed directly by application since it is missing many of the graphics primitives that an application is likely to require such as slanted lines, rectangles, circles, text, and image support.

The display driver must be supplied by the application since it is specific to the display in use. For example, a driver that is specific to Kentec320x240x16.