CC2595 is a PA solution that extends the range of any Zigbee or Bluetooth transceiver. It is a cost-effective and high performance RF front end for low-power and low-voltage wireless applications in the 2.4-GHz band. Its single-ended RF input and output make it compatible with any manufacturer’s transceiver if appropriate external parts are used. When a transmit/receive (T/R) switch and a balun are used, it can interface with existing and future CC24XX and CC25XX transceiver products. CC2595 extends the link budget by providing a power amplifier for improved output power. It is highly effective for high (+20 dBm) output power making it suitable for battery-operated systems. CC2595 contains PA and RF-matching for simple design of high performance wireless applications. It is packaged in a 3- × 3-mm, 16-lead QFN package with exposed paddle.