The DAC7744 is a 16-bit, quad voltage output digital-to-analog converter with guaranteed 16-bit monotonic performance over the specified temperature range. It accepts 16-bit parallel input data, has double-buffered DAC input logic (allowing simultaneous update of all DACs), and provides a readback mode of the internal input registers. Programmable asynchronous reset clears all registers to a mid-scale code of 8000H or to a zero-scale of 0000H. The DAC7744 operates from either a single +15V supply or from a +15V, 15V, and +5V supply.
Low power and small size per DAC make the DAC7744 ideal for automatic test equipment, DAC-per-pin programmers, data acquisition systems, and closed-loop servo-control. The DAC7744 is available in a 48-lead SSOP package, and offers guaranteed specifications over the 40°C to +85°C temperature range.
The DAC7744 is a 16-bit, quad voltage output digital-to-analog converter with guaranteed 16-bit monotonic performance over the specified temperature range. It accepts 16-bit parallel input data, has double-buffered DAC input logic (allowing simultaneous update of all DACs), and provides a readback mode of the internal input registers. Programmable asynchronous reset clears all registers to a mid-scale code of 8000H or to a zero-scale of 0000H. The DAC7744 operates from either a single +15V supply or from a +15V, 15V, and +5V supply.
Low power and small size per DAC make the DAC7744 ideal for automatic test equipment, DAC-per-pin programmers, data acquisition systems, and closed-loop servo-control. The DAC7744 is available in a 48-lead SSOP package, and offers guaranteed specifications over the 40°C to +85°C temperature range.