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RTOS SDK for DRA829 & TDA4VM Jacinto™ Processors

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Release date: 10 Apr 2024

Pre-built Package for Demo - Refer Getting Started Guide Chapter on how to use this

MD5 checksum

SOC generic TI sample input data set - MUST DOWNLOAD and is required for running vision apps demos

MD5 checksum

SOC specific tidl models - MUST DOWNLOAD and is required for running tidl demos and ovx tests

MD5 checksum

Windows version of compile tools if building PDK or MCUSW on Windows

MD5 checksum
Arm-based processors
DRA829J Dual Arm Cortex-A72, quad Cortex-R5F, multi-core DSP, 8-port Ethernet switch, and 4-port PCIe switch DRA829J-Q1 Dual Arm Cortex-A72, quad Cortex-R5F, multi-core DSP, 8-port Ethernet and 4-port PCIe switches DRA829V Dual Arm® Cortex®-A72, quad Cortex®-R5F, 8-port Ethernet and 4-port PCIe switches DRA829V-Q1 Dual Arm® Cortex-A72, quad Cortex-R5F, 8-port Ethernet and 4-port PCIe switches TDA4VM Dual Arm® Cortex®-A72 SoC and C7x DSP with deep-learning, vision and multimedia accelerators TDA4VM-Q1 Automotive system-on-a-chip for L2, L3 and near-field analytic systems using deep learning
Hardware development
Evaluation board
J721EXSOMXEVM TDA4VM and DRA829V socketed system on module (SoM)

Release Information

Thank you for your interest in the J721E Software Development Kit for RTOS. This SDK can be used on its own (for RTOS-only development on DSP and MCU cores on the J721E), or in conjunction with the following ARM A72-based HLOS-specific packages (for developing RTOS firmware, and HLOS libraries and OS-agnostic demos using OpenVX):

Please refer to SDK Documentation in the table above for getting started. The documentation refers to downloading packages that are found both in the table above, as well as on the companion SDK release pages for Linux or QNX listed above.

What's new

  • See release notes