SNLU254A November   2020  – July 2022 DS160PT801


  1.   Abstract
  2.   Trademarks
  3. 1EVM Control and Configuration Information
    1. 1.1 Retimer Pin Controls
    2. 1.2 USB-to-SMBus Interface
    3. 1.3 PCIe PRSNT# Signal Control and Configuration
    4. 1.4 PCIe Reference Clock Control and Configuration
  4. 2EVM Power
    1. 2.1 EVM Current Sensing
  5. 3SigCon Architect GUI
    1. 3.1 Setup and Installation
    2. 3.2 Configuration Page
    3. 3.3 Low-Level Page
    4. 3.4 EEPROM Page
    5. 3.5 Control Panel
    6. 3.6 High-Level Page
    7. 3.7 Diagnostic Page
    8. 3.8 Eye Monitor Page
  6. 4PCB Material Information
    1. 4.1 DS160PT801 PCB Design
    2. 4.2 DS160PT801 PCB Stackup
    3. 4.3 DS160PT801 PCB Power Distribution
    4. 4.4 DS160PT801 Local Decoupling
  7. 5DS160PT801X16EVM Schematic
  8. 6Hardware BOM
  9. 7Revision History

Retimer Pin Controls

The DS160PT801X16EVM is pre-configured on power-up to use the retimer configuration stored in the onboard EEPROM. These settings may be adjusted by using the pin controls through the onboard headers and jumpers. There are 3 types of headers on the EVM for pin-controls: 2-level, 4-level, and 5-level headers. This section highlights the pin controls and how to adjust them. Additional information about pin settings is provided in the DS160PT801 data sheet.

Jumper options for 2-Level, 3-pin headers are as follows:

  • No jumper on header pins – Input floating
  • Shunt jumper at pins 1-2 – Input to 1.8 V or 3.3V
  • Shunt jumper at pins 2-3 – Input to GND

Jumper options for 4-Level, 6-pin headers are as follows:

  • No jumper on header pins – Input floating
  • Shunt jumper at pins 1-2 – Inputs to 1.8 V
  • Shunt jumper at pins 3-4 – Inputs 10 kΩ to GND
  • Shunt jumper at pins 5-6 – Inputs to GND

Jumper options for 5-Level, 8-pin headers are as follows:

  • No jumper on header pins – Input floating
  • Shunt jumper at pins 1-2 – Inputs to 1.8 V
  • Shunt jumper at pins 3-4 – Inputs 10 kΩ to 1.8 V
  • Shunt jumper at pins 5-6 – Inputs 10 kΩ to GND
  • Shunt jumper at pins 7-8 – Inputs to GND
The EVM will have many of the headers pre-populated with jumpers out of the box. The default jumper positions represent the most common positions for the jumpers used during evaluation and testing. Table 1-1 lists the default position for the jumpers.

Table 1-1 Default EVM Jumper Positions
Header Designator Jumper Position Description
J1 1-2 Disable CDCE6214 SSC clocking
J2 1-2 Disable CDCE6214 clock output
J4 2-3 Disable CDCE6214 EE_SEL
J6 7-8 Set retimer U2 mode to dual-chip link-width manager
J7 5-6 Set retimer U2 SMBus address to 0x20
J8 5-6 Set retimer U2 SMBus address to 0x20
J11 5-6 Set retimer U3 mode to dual-chip link-width follower
J12 3-4 Set retimer U3 SMBus address to 0x22
J13 5-6 Set retimer U3 SMBus address to 0x22
J16 2-3 Assert CLKREQ#, 1 K pulldown to GND
J18 1-2 Deassert Port 0 PRTRST#, 1 K pullup to 1.8 V
J20 1-2 Deassert Port 1 PRTRST#, 1 K pullup to 1.8 V
J21 1-2 Connect EE_CLK to retimer, enable EEPROM
J24 1-2 Connect EE_DAT to retimer, enable EEPROM
J45 1-2 Endpoint control of PRSNT#2 PCIe signal
J46 1-2 Endpoint control of PRSNT#3 PCIe signal
J47 1-2 Endpoint control of PRSNT#1 PCIe signal
J48 1-2 Endpoint control of PRSNT#4 PCIe signal
J49 2-3 Use clock source from CEM connector for REFCLK
J50 2-3 Disable clock output from LMK00334
J58 3-4 Set voltage regulator to output 1.15 V
J59 1-2 Enable U16 voltage regulator with 12 V supply