SPRACX2 April   2021 TDA4VM , TDA4VM-Q1


  1.   Trademarks
  2. 1Introduction
  3. 2What is Structure From Motion?
  4. 3Introduction to Occupancy Grid Mapping
  5. 4From Point-Cloud to OG Map
  6. 5Algorithm Flow: SFM-Based OG Mapping
  7. 6Algorithm Flow: SFM-Based OG Mapping on TDA4VM
  8. 7First Example Implementation on TDA4VM
  9. 8Second Example implementation on TDA4VM
  10. 9References

Second Example implementation on TDA4VM

This SFM based OG mapping application is available in the SDK under the PTK demos section. The documentation for this algorithm can be found here. This particular application constructs a world-centric accumulated 2D OG map, as opposed to the instantaneous map created by the above application. This algorithm uses almost an identical chain to the one described above, with minor differences. A sample output of this application is shown in Figure 8-1. Here, the camera is mounted on the side of the vehicle and also runs on saved data captured in a parking lot inside TI. Here, free cells are marked green, occupied red and unknown black.

GUID-20210317-CA0I-DX40-GSCM-N4ZHR5CKTHKH-low.png Figure 8-1 Example Output From SFM OG Mapping Application