SWRA513C January   2020  – September 2020 CC3120 , CC3120MOD , CC3135 , CC3135MOD , CC3220MOD , CC3220MODA , CC3220R , CC3220S , CC3220SF , CC3235MODS , CC3235MODSF , CC3235S , CC3235SF


  1.   Trademarks
  2. 1Introduction
    1. 1.1 Terminology
  3. 2Overview
    1. 2.1 General Description
  4. 3Provisioning Configuration Modes
    1. 3.1 AP Provisioning
    2. 3.2 SmartConfig Provisioning
    3. 3.3 AP Plus SmartConfig Provisioning
    4. 3.4 AP Plus SmartConfig Plus External Configuration Provisioning
  5. 4Initiating the Provisioning Process
    1. 4.1 Host-Initiated Provisioning
    2. 4.2 Auto-Provisioning
    3. 4.3 Ending the Provisioning Process
  6. 5Profile Confirmation
    1. 5.1 Feedback
      1. 5.1.1 Local Feedback
      2. 5.1.2 External Feedback (Cloud)
    2. 5.2 Confirmation Fail
  7. 6External Configuration
  8. 7Host APIs
    1. 7.1 Provisioning Command
    2. 7.2 Provisioning Status Event
    3. 7.3 Provisioning Profile-Added Event
    4. 7.4 Reset Request Event
    5. 7.5 Blocking APIs During Provisioning
  9. 8Provisioning Use Examples
    1. 8.1 Successful SmartConfig Provisioning
    2. 8.2 Unsuccessful SmartConfig Provisioning
    3. 8.3 Successful SmartConfig Provisioning With AP Fallback
    4. 8.4 Successful AP Provisioning
    5. 8.5 Successful AP Provisioning With Cloud Confirmation
    6. 8.6 Using External Configuration Method: WAC
    7. 8.7 Successful SmartConfig Provisioning While External Configuration Enabled
  10. 9Provisioning HTTP/HTTPS Server APIs
  11.   Revision History

Provisioning Status Event

The provisioning status event contains the following parameters.

  • Status
  • Role
  • WlanStatus
  • SsidLen
  • Ssid

Table 7-4 lists the values the Status parameter can have.

Table 7-4 Status Values
SL_WLAN_PROVISIONING_GENERAL_ERROR0The provisioning process encountered an unknown error.
SL_WLAN_PROVISIONING_CONFIRMATION_STATUS_FAIL_NETWORK_NOT_FOUND1The profile confirmation failed because the SSID was not found.
SL_WLAN_PROVISIONING_CONFIRMATION_STATUS_FAIL_CONNECTION_FAILED2The SSID was found, but the profile confirmation failed because WLAN connection was not successful.
SL_WLAN_PROVISIONING_CONFIRMATION_STATUS_FAIL_CONNECTION_SUCCESS_IP_NOT_ACQUIRED3The SSID was found, the WLAN connection was successful, but the profile confirmation failed because an IP address was not successfully acquired.
SL_WLAN_PROVISIONING_CONFIRMATION_STATUS_SUCCESS_FEEDBACK_FAILED4The SSID was found, the WLAN connection was successful, an IP address was successfully acquired, but the feedback to the user about the successful connection was not successfully delivered.
SL_WLAN_PROVISIONING_CONFIRMATION_STATUS_SUCCESS5The SSID was found, the WLAN connection was successful, an IP address was successfully acquired and the feedback to the user about the successful connection was successfully delivered. Confirmation stage ended successfully.
SL_WLAN_PROVISIONING_ERROR_ABORT6The provisioning process was not started due to an unknown error.
SL_WLAN_PROVISIONING_ERROR_ABORT_INVALID_PARAM7The provisioning process was not started due to an invalid parameter.
SL_WLAN_PROVISIONING_ERROR_ABORT_HTTP_SERVER_DISABLED8The provisioning process was not started because the HTTP server is disabled.
SL_WLAN_PROVISIONING_ERROR_ABORT_PROFILE_LIST_FULL9The provisioning process was not started because the profile list is full.
SL_WLAN_PROVISIONING_ERROR_ABORT_PROVISIONING_ALREADY_STARTED10The provisioning process was not started because it is already running.
SL_WLAN_PROVISIONING_AUTO_STARTED11The provisioning process was automatically started by the device.
SL_WLAN_PROVISIONING_STOPPED12The provisioning process ended.
SL_WLAN_PROVISIONING_SMART_CONFIG_SYNCED13SmartConfig configuration data transmission was discovered by the device. The device starts listening and collecting the profile data.
SL_WLAN_PROVISIONING_SMART_CONFIG_SYNC_TIMEOUT14SmartConfig configuration data transmission was discovered by the device, but the device cannot extract the profile data out of it.
SL_WLAN_PROVISIONING_CONFIRMATION_WLAN_CONNECT15A WLAN connection was established during a confirmation stage.
SL_WLAN_PROVISIONING_CONFIRMATION_IP_ACQUIRED16An IP address was acquired during a confirmation stage.
SL_WLAN_PROVISIONING_EXTERNAL_CONFIGURATION_READY17User may start configuring the device using an external confirmation method (relevant only when APSC plus External Configuration mode is used).

If the value of the status parameter is SL_WLAN_PROVISIONING_STOPPED (12), additional information is provided with the following parameters.

  • Role: The active role (AP/STA) after the provisioning process ends.
  • WlanStatus: If the active role is STA, this parameter shows the WLAN connection status of the device (0-Disconnected, 1-Scanning, 2-Connecting, 3-Connected) when the provisioning process ends.
  • Ssid, SsidLen: If WlanStatus is connected, these parameters provide the SSID to which we are connected.

During the provisioning process the device might change its active role and connection status without informing the host application; when the process ends this information is sent to the host to inform it of the current status of the device. These parameters are not relevant in other provisioning status values.