SLUAAS4 January   2024 LM5155-Q1 , LM51551-Q1 , LM5156-Q1 , LM51561-Q1 , LM51561H-Q1 , LM5156H-Q1 , LM5157-Q1 , LM51571-Q1 , LM5158-Q1 , LM51581-Q1 , UCC28700-Q1 , UCC28730-Q1 , UCC28740-Q1 , UCC28781-Q1 , UCC28C50-Q1 , UCC28C51-Q1 , UCC28C52-Q1 , UCC28C53-Q1 , UCC28C54-Q1 , UCC28C55-Q1 , UCC28C56H-Q1 , UCC28C56L-Q1 , UCC28C57H-Q1 , UCC28C57L-Q1 , UCC28C58-Q1 , UCC28C59-Q1


  1.   1
  2.   Abstract
  3. 1Introduction
    1. 1.1 Low-Voltage Isolated Bias Power Supply
    2. 1.2 High-Voltage Isolated Bias Power Supply
  4. 2Pre-Regulator Requirement
    1. 2.1 Pre-Regulator at Low-Voltage Battery
      1. 2.1.1 Single Pre-Regulators Architecture
      2. 2.1.2 Multiple Pre-Regulators Architecture
    2. 2.2 Pre-Regulator From High-Voltage Battery
  5. 3Fully-Distributed Architecture
  6. 4Semi-Distributed Architecture
  7. 5Centralized Architecture
  8. 6Redundancy in Isolated Bias Power Supply Architectures
    1. 6.1 No Redundancy
    2. 6.2 Redundancy to all Devices
    3. 6.3 Redundancy to Low Side Only
    4. 6.4 Redundancy to High Side Only
  9. 7Summary
  10. 8Terminology


Isolated bias supply is an important part of every traction inverter system. There are several isolated bias power supply architectures for traction inverters and some commonly-used architectures are shown in this paper. Based on the chosen architecture, the next step is to choose a topology (flyback, push-pull, LLC resonant, integrated DC/DC module, and so forth) and the associated devices. Design complexity, functional safety requirements, and cost play the main role in the decision of which type of architecture and topology to use.