Hitek Systems LLC

IP core development and FPGA / hardware design services

Hitek Systems LLC is a privately held IP core development and FPGA / hardware design services company, established in 2004, and located in Germantown, Maryland. The company has a history of dedication and achievement by delivering state of the art products and hardware solutions to its customers in the data communication and test-equipment industry.

RF サンプリング・トランシーバ
AFE7728D デュアル フィードバック パスと CFR/DPD (波高率低減とデジタル事前歪み補償) 搭載、デュアルチャネル RF トランシーバ - 200MHz AFE7768D デュアル フィードバック パスと CFR/DPD (波高率低減とデジタル事前歪み補償) 内蔵、4 チャネル RF トランシーバ - 200MHz
  • 評価ボード
  • アジアの他の地域
  • インド
  • ヨーロッパ
  • 中国
  • 北米
  • 20410 Century Blvd, Suite 120
  • Germantown, Maryland, 20874
  • United States



HTK-3P-AGILEX-ESOM7 — HITEK Agilex eSOM7 with FMC+ connector to RF transceiver EVMs

The Hitek Systems eSOM7 interfaces with the AFE8092, AFE8030, AFE7952, and AFE7920 through an FPGA mezzanine card (FMC) connector. It provides a quick evaluation and prototyping platform for 5G wireless solutions based on Intel’s latest high-performance 10-nm Agilex F-Series FPGA.


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