高 DC 精密度
以零漂移確保長期穩定性,利用 e-trim 消除封裝應力參數偏移,並以高度比對 0.001% 薄膜電阻維持高 CMRR 和低增益錯誤。
可在高共模電壓下以高達 ±550V 的準確量測實現高電壓應用
透過低靜態電流消耗至 160 µA 的精密差動放大器進行電池供電應用
以無引線 3x3mm WSON 封裝縮減電路板尺寸,同時維持領先業界的精密度
Precision signal-conditioning solutions for motor control with position feedback
Analysis of Improved Howland Current Pump Configurations (Rev. A)
High common-mode differential input voltage to ±10-V ADC input circuit (Rev. A)
適用於由 100/110Vac 電源供電之逆變器的分流架構接地故障防護參考設計
This is a reference design for detecting ground fault in inverter-based drives. Inverter current is measured on both DC-positive and DC-negative bus using shunt resistors. INA149 current sense amplifier having a common-mode voltage range of +275 V is used to measure current on DC-positive bus. (...)
適合空氣品質監測的 PM2.5 與 PM10 懸浮微粒感測類比前端參考設計
TIDA-00378 provides an analog front-end for measuring PM2.5 and PM10 particle matter. The reference design detects light scattered by particles suspended in air. A sample software algorithm is provided to convert the analog output of the design into a particle size and concentration measurement. (...)
This reference design that is precision verified implements an analog input module for industrial voltages, currents and temperature sensors. For industrial outputs, the possible input ranges include: 4 to 20 mA, 0 to 20 mA, +/-25 mA, 0 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, +/-5 V and +/-10 V. The design (...)