DLP® controller for DLP4500 and DLP4500NIR digital micromirror devices (DMDs)
- Required for reliable operation of the DLP4500 and DLP4500NIR DMDs
- High-speed pattern display mode
- 1-Bit binary pattern rates to 4225 Hz
- 8-Bit grayscale pattern rates to 120 Hz
- 1-to-1 input mapping to micromirrors
- Multiple bit depths and LEDs in pattern sequences
- Easy synchronization with cameras and sensors
- Two configurable input triggers
- Two configurable output triggers
- 14 fully programmable GPIO signals
- 64 Mb internal RAM
- Stores up to 48 1-bit patterns
- No external volatile memory required
- Supports up to 32 MB external parallel flash for increased pattern storage
- Multiple configuration interfaces
- One USB V1.1 slave port
- Two I2C ports
- LED PWM generators
- Video display mode of operation
- 10- to 120-Hz full color frame rates
- YUV, YCrCb, or RGB input data formats
- Integrated micromirror drivers
- Integrated clock generation
The DLPC350 digital controller is required for reliable operation of the DLP4500 or DLP4500NIR digital micromirror device (DMD). The DLPC350 controller provides a convenient, multi-functional interface between user electronics and the DMD, enabling high-speed pattern rates, along with LED control and data formatting for multiple input formats.
The DLPC350 controller provides input and output trigger signals for synchronizing displayed patterns with a camera, sensor, or other peripherals. The controller enables integration into small-form-factor and low-cost light steering applications. Applications include 3D scanning or metrology systems, spectrometers, interactive displays, chemical analyzers, medical instruments, and other end equipment that requires spatial light modulation (light steering and patterning).
The DLPC350 controller is the data formatting and DMD controlling ASIC for either the visible or near-infrared (NIR) version of the DLP4500. For further details, please see the DLPR350 firmware homepage, the DLP4500 data sheet, and the DLP4500NIR data sheet.
Technische Dokumentation
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