Shipping, payment & tax
Find estimated shipping rates, payment options, and tax details by entering your destination country below.
TI has warehouses in North America and Asia. Depending on the items ordered, location of stock, and the shipping destination, you may receive packages from one or more of these locations shipping through multiple freight carriers. A selection of shipping options, such as expedited or economy, may be available for certain shipping routes, in addition to a choice of shipping terms (incoterms).
If you are purchasing as a registered business, you may be presented with a choice between either the seller (TI legal selling entity) or buyer (the purchasing company) acting as the importer of record for that route. This decision is your sole responsibility as the buyer and will have implications on a variety of trade compliance and taxation aspects. If TI acts as the importer of record, TI will be responsible for importation, customs clearance and duty and tax payment in compliance with all laws and regulations of the destination. If you, as the buyer, choose to be importer of record, you will be responsible to handle importation, custom clearance and duty and tax payment in compliance with all laws and regulations of the destination. Orders may be subject to import taxes, customs duties and fees levied by the destination country/region. TI has no control over these charges, nor can predict what they may be. Taxes on orders are estimated at time of purchase and therefore are subject to change at time of invoice.
During the checkout process, you may be asked to provide a particular form of a unique tax identification number, such as Value Added Tax (VAT), Goods and Services Tax (GST). This form of identification is used to determine whether a customer is a registered business and to generate the appropriate customs and tax treatment.
Available Incoterms based on Incoterms ® 2020 definition*
Delivered Duty Paid (DDP): Offered for shipping routes where TI is responsible to be the importer of record and handles customs clearance and duty and tax payments upon importation.
Carriage and Insurance Paid (CIP): Offered for shipping routes to registered businesses, where the buyer is responsible to be the importer of record and handles customs clearance and duty and tax payments upon importation.
Free Carrier (FCA): Offered for certain shipping routes to registered businesses who choose to use their own freight carrier account during checkout. The buyer is responsible to be the importer of record and handles customs clearance and duty and tax payments upon importation. Watch our video on choosing your own freight carrier account to learn more about using this feature.
*The importer of record, incoterms and estimated Value Added Tax (VAT) in the tables are based on shipping to a registered business for non-military orders.