
Vs (min) (V) 8.2 Vs ABS (max) (V) 65 Full-scale current (A) 1.5 Peak output current (A) 2.3 RDS(ON) (HS + LS) (mΩ) 500 Control mode Serial Control interface Serial Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
Vs (min) (V) 8.2 Vs ABS (max) (V) 65 Full-scale current (A) 1.5 Peak output current (A) 2.3 RDS(ON) (HS + LS) (mΩ) 500 Control mode Serial Control interface Serial Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
HTSSOP (PWP) 16 32 mm² 5 x 6.4 SOIC (DW) 20 131.84 mm² 12.8 x 10.3

The following Figure shows how two DRV81646 devices can be connected in daisy chain to leverage GPIO/ isolation saving. SDO pin of one device is fed to the SDI pin of the following device in the chain

To write to two devices , 8 bits of data need to be written as shown in Figure . Note SDO is sent out on Negedge of SCLK. SDO is ready to be sampled on following posedge of SCLK. The value on SDI pin is also sampled on posedge of SCLK. Note Latch need not be brought low to initiate a shift in of data. A posedge of Latch is needed to Latch the data shifted in to Outputs.

The following Figure shows how two DRV81646 devices can be connected in daisy chain to leverage GPIO/ isolation saving. SDO pin of one device is fed to the SDI pin of the following device in the chain

To write to two devices , 8 bits of data need to be written as shown in Figure . Note SDO is sent out on Negedge of SCLK. SDO is ready to be sampled on following posedge of SCLK. The value on SDI pin is also sampled on posedge of SCLK. Note Latch need not be brought low to initiate a shift in of data. A posedge of Latch is needed to Latch the data shifted in to Outputs.

The DRV8804 provides a 4-channel low-side driver with overcurrent protection. The device has built-in diodes to clamp turnoff transients generated by inductive loads and can be used to drive unipolar stepper motors, DC motors, relays, solenoids, or other loads.

In the SOIC (DW) package, the DRV8804 can supply up to 1.5A (one channel on) or 800mA (all channels on) continuous output current per channel, at 25°C. In the HTSSOP (PWP) package, the device can supply up to 2A (one channel on) or 1A (four channels on) continuous output current per channel, at 25°C . In the SOT-23-THN (DYZ) package, the DRV8804 can supply up to 1.9A (one channel on) or 900mA (all channels on) continuous output current per chanel, at 25°C with proper PCB heatsinking.

A serial interface is provided including a serial data output, which can be daisy-chained to control multiple devices with one serial interface.

Internal shutdown functions are provided for overcurrent protection, short-circuit protection, undervoltage lockout, and overtemperature, and faults are indicated by a fault output pin.

The DRV8804 is available in a 20-pin, thermally-enhanced SOIC package , 16-pin HTSSOP package and 16-pin SOT-23-THN package (Eco-friendly: RoHS & no Sb/Br).

The DRV8804 provides a 4-channel low-side driver with overcurrent protection. The device has built-in diodes to clamp turnoff transients generated by inductive loads and can be used to drive unipolar stepper motors, DC motors, relays, solenoids, or other loads.

In the SOIC (DW) package, the DRV8804 can supply up to 1.5A (one channel on) or 800mA (all channels on) continuous output current per channel, at 25°C. In the HTSSOP (PWP) package, the device can supply up to 2A (one channel on) or 1A (four channels on) continuous output current per channel, at 25°C . In the SOT-23-THN (DYZ) package, the DRV8804 can supply up to 1.9A (one channel on) or 900mA (all channels on) continuous output current per chanel, at 25°C with proper PCB heatsinking.

A serial interface is provided including a serial data output, which can be daisy-chained to control multiple devices with one serial interface.

Internal shutdown functions are provided for overcurrent protection, short-circuit protection, undervoltage lockout, and overtemperature, and faults are indicated by a fault output pin.

The DRV8804 is available in a 20-pin, thermally-enhanced SOIC package , 16-pin HTSSOP package and 16-pin SOT-23-THN package (Eco-friendly: RoHS & no Sb/Br).

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Alle anzeigen 11
Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet DRV8804 Quad Serial Interface Low-Side Driver IC datasheet (Rev. G) PDF | HTML 10 Dez 2024
Application note Understanding Motor Driver Current Ratings (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 05 Jul 2024
Application note Using DRV to Drive Solenoids (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 24 Apr 2022
Application note How to Drive Unipolar Stepper Motor with the DRV8xxx PDF | HTML 03 Dez 2021
Application note Best Practices for Board Layout of Motor Drivers (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 14 Okt 2021
Application note Calculating Power Dissipation for a H-Bridge or Half Bridge Driver (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 22 Jul 2021
Technical article Drive unipolar stepper motors as bipolar stepper motors with a simple wiring recon PDF | HTML 09 Apr 2020
Application note PowerPAD™ Thermally Enhanced Package (Rev. H) 06 Jul 2018
User guide DRV8803-04-05-06 EVM GUI (Rev. B) 26 Apr 2017
More literature TM4C123x Stepper Motor Control Product Summary 06 Jul 2015
Application brief PowerPAD™ Made Easy (Rev. B) 12 Mai 2004

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The DRV8804 evaluation module consists of a quad low-side motor driver with serial control interface that can be used to drive a unipolar stepper motor, up to 4 DC motors or other loads like solenoids. With the DRV8804EVM, designers can quickly and easily evaluate the performance of DRV8804 motor (...)

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Schaltplan: PDF
Gehäuse Pins CAD-Symbole, Footprints und 3D-Modelle
HTSSOP (PWP) 16 Ultra Librarian
SOIC (DW) 20 Ultra Librarian

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