
Local sensor accuracy (max) 3 Type Fan Controller Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Supply voltage (min) (V) 2.8 Interface type I2C, SMBus Supply voltage (max) (V) 3.8 Features ALERT, Tachometer Supply current (max) (µA) 900 Temp resolution (max) (bps) 12 Remote channels (#) 0 Addresses 4 Rating Catalog
Local sensor accuracy (max) 3 Type Fan Controller Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Supply voltage (min) (V) 2.8 Interface type I2C, SMBus Supply voltage (max) (V) 3.8 Features ALERT, Tachometer Supply current (max) (µA) 900 Temp resolution (max) (bps) 12 Remote channels (#) 0 Addresses 4 Rating Catalog
TSSOP (PW) 24 49.92 mm² 7.8 x 6.4
  • Temperature Sensing
  • 6 Positive Voltage Inputs with Scaling Resistors to Monitor
    +5V, +12V, +3.3V, +2.5V, Vccp Power Supplies Directly
  • 8-Bit DAC Output for Controlling Fan Speed
  • 2 Fan Speed Monitoring Inputs
  • Chassis Intrusion Detector Input
  • WATCHDOG Comparison of all Monitored Values
  • SMBus 1.0 (LM81C) and 1.1 (LM81B) Serial Bus
    Interface Compatibility
  • LM81B has Improved Voltage Monitoring Accuracy
  • VID0-VID4 Monitoring Inputs

Key Specifications

  • Voltage Monitoring Error: +2% or ±1.2% (max)
  • Temperature Error
    • −40˚C to +125˚C ± 3˚C (max)
  • Supply Voltage Range: 2.8V to 3.8V
  • Supply Current: 0.4 mA (typ)
  • ADC and DAC Resolution: 8 Bits
  • Temperature Resolution: 0.5°C

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

  • Temperature Sensing
  • 6 Positive Voltage Inputs with Scaling Resistors to Monitor
    +5V, +12V, +3.3V, +2.5V, Vccp Power Supplies Directly
  • 8-Bit DAC Output for Controlling Fan Speed
  • 2 Fan Speed Monitoring Inputs
  • Chassis Intrusion Detector Input
  • WATCHDOG Comparison of all Monitored Values
  • SMBus 1.0 (LM81C) and 1.1 (LM81B) Serial Bus
    Interface Compatibility
  • LM81B has Improved Voltage Monitoring Accuracy
  • VID0-VID4 Monitoring Inputs

Key Specifications

  • Voltage Monitoring Error: +2% or ±1.2% (max)
  • Temperature Error
    • −40˚C to +125˚C ± 3˚C (max)
  • Supply Voltage Range: 2.8V to 3.8V
  • Supply Current: 0.4 mA (typ)
  • ADC and DAC Resolution: 8 Bits
  • Temperature Resolution: 0.5°C

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

The LM81 is a highly integrated data acquisition system for hardware monitoring of servers, Personal Computers, or virtually any microprocessor-based system. In a PC, the LM81 can be used to monitor power supply voltages, temperatures, and fan speeds. Actual values for these inputs can be read at any time. Programmable WATCHDOG limits in the LM81 activate a fully programmable and maskable interrupt system with two outputs (INT and T_CRIT_). The LM81 has an on-chip digital output temperature sensor with 9-bit or 12-bit resolution, a 6 analog input ADC with 8-bit resolution and an 8-bit DAC. Two fan tachometer outputs can be measured with the LM81’s FAN1 and FAN2 inputs. The DAC, with a 0 to 1.25V output voltage range, can be used for fan speed control. Additional inputs are provided for Chassis Intrusion detection circuits, and VID monitor inputs. The LM81 has a Serial Bus interface that is compatible with SMBus. Serial Bus Timing Diagram

The LM81 is a highly integrated data acquisition system for hardware monitoring of servers, Personal Computers, or virtually any microprocessor-based system. In a PC, the LM81 can be used to monitor power supply voltages, temperatures, and fan speeds. Actual values for these inputs can be read at any time. Programmable WATCHDOG limits in the LM81 activate a fully programmable and maskable interrupt system with two outputs (INT and T_CRIT_). The LM81 has an on-chip digital output temperature sensor with 9-bit or 12-bit resolution, a 6 analog input ADC with 8-bit resolution and an 8-bit DAC. Two fan tachometer outputs can be measured with the LM81’s FAN1 and FAN2 inputs. The DAC, with a 0 to 1.25V output voltage range, can be used for fan speed control. Additional inputs are provided for Chassis Intrusion detection circuits, and VID monitor inputs. The LM81 has a Serial Bus interface that is compatible with SMBus. Serial Bus Timing Diagram

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet Serial Interface ACP-Compatible Microprocessor Sys Hardware Monitor datasheet (Rev. E) 05 Sep 2013
Application note Applying I2C-Compatible Temperature Sensors in Systems With Slow Clock Edges (Rev. A) 06 Mai 2013
White paper Cost Effective Partitioning of IO & Mgm Func in PCs - Intro of SensorPath Tech 01 Jan 2004

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TSSOP (PW) 24 Ultra Librarian

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  • Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
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