Startseite Energiemanagement AC/DC- und DC/DC-Wandler (integrierter FET)



Synchroner Strommodus-Abwärtsregler, 4,5-36 V, 2 A, mit einstellbarer Frequenz

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Selbe Funktionalität wie der verglichene Baustein bei abweichender Anschlussbelegung
TLVM13620 AKTIV Abwärts-Stromversorgungsmodul, 3,6-V- bis 36-V-Eingang, 1-V- bis 12-V-Ausgang, 2-A, in einem 4 mm x  Save board space, simplify design and speed time to market with an integrated-inductor power module.


Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Topology Buck Type Converter Iout (max) (A) 2 Vin (min) (V) 4.5 Vin (max) (V) 36 Switching frequency (min) (kHz) 100 Switching frequency (max) (kHz) 1000 Features Enable, Over Current Protection, Power good, Pre-Bias Start-Up, Synchronous Rectification, Tracking Control mode current mode Vout (min) (V) 0.8 Vout (max) (V) 32 Iq (typ) (µA) 2000 Duty cycle (max) (%) 90
Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Topology Buck Type Converter Iout (max) (A) 2 Vin (min) (V) 4.5 Vin (max) (V) 36 Switching frequency (min) (kHz) 100 Switching frequency (max) (kHz) 1000 Features Enable, Over Current Protection, Power good, Pre-Bias Start-Up, Synchronous Rectification, Tracking Control mode current mode Vout (min) (V) 0.8 Vout (max) (V) 32 Iq (typ) (µA) 2000 Duty cycle (max) (%) 90
HTSSOP (PWP) 20 41.6 mm² 6.5 x 6.4
  • 2A Output Current, 3.7A Peak Current
  • 130 mΩ/110 mΩ Integrated Power MOSFETs
  • 1.5% Output Voltage Accuracy
  • Current Mode Control, Selectable Compensation
  • Resistor Programmed, 1MHz Capable Oscillator
  • Synchronous Rectifier with Diode Emulation
  • Adjustable Output Voltage Down to 0.8V
  • Compatible with Pre-Biased Loads
  • Programmable Soft-Start With External Capacitor
  • Precision Enable Pin with Hysteresis
  • OVP, UVLO Inputs and PGOOD Output
  • Internally Protected with Peak Current Limit, Thermal Shutdown and Restart
  • Accurate Current Limit with Frequency Foldback
  • Non-Linear Current Mode Slope Compensation
  • HTSSOP Exposed Pad Package

PowerWise is a trademark of Texas Instruments. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

  • 2A Output Current, 3.7A Peak Current
  • 130 mΩ/110 mΩ Integrated Power MOSFETs
  • 1.5% Output Voltage Accuracy
  • Current Mode Control, Selectable Compensation
  • Resistor Programmed, 1MHz Capable Oscillator
  • Synchronous Rectifier with Diode Emulation
  • Adjustable Output Voltage Down to 0.8V
  • Compatible with Pre-Biased Loads
  • Programmable Soft-Start With External Capacitor
  • Precision Enable Pin with Hysteresis
  • OVP, UVLO Inputs and PGOOD Output
  • Internally Protected with Peak Current Limit, Thermal Shutdown and Restart
  • Accurate Current Limit with Frequency Foldback
  • Non-Linear Current Mode Slope Compensation
  • HTSSOP Exposed Pad Package

PowerWise is a trademark of Texas Instruments. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

The LM20242 is a full featured 1MHz capable synchronous buck regulator capable of delivering up to 2A of load current. The current mode control loop is externally compensated with only two external components, offering both high performance and ease of use. The device is optimized to work over the input voltage range of 4.5V to 36V making it well suited for high voltage systems.

The device features internal Over Voltage Protection (OVP) and Over Current Protection (OCP) circuits for increased system reliability. A precision Enable pin and integrated UVLO allows the turn on of the device to be tightly controlled and sequenced. Startup inrush currents are limited by both an internally fixed and externally adjustable soft-start circuit. Fault detection and supply sequencing are possible with the integrated PGOOD circuit.

The LM20242 is designed to work well in multi-rail power supply architectures. The output voltage of the device can be configured to track a higher voltage rail using the SS/TRK pin. If the output of the LM20242 is pre-biased at startup it will not sink current to pull the output low until the internal soft-start ramp exceeds the voltage at the feedback pin.

The LM20242 is offered in an exposed pad 20 pin HTSSOP package that can be soldered to the PCB, eliminating the need for bulky heatsinks.

The LM20242 is a full featured 1MHz capable synchronous buck regulator capable of delivering up to 2A of load current. The current mode control loop is externally compensated with only two external components, offering both high performance and ease of use. The device is optimized to work over the input voltage range of 4.5V to 36V making it well suited for high voltage systems.

The device features internal Over Voltage Protection (OVP) and Over Current Protection (OCP) circuits for increased system reliability. A precision Enable pin and integrated UVLO allows the turn on of the device to be tightly controlled and sequenced. Startup inrush currents are limited by both an internally fixed and externally adjustable soft-start circuit. Fault detection and supply sequencing are possible with the integrated PGOOD circuit.

The LM20242 is designed to work well in multi-rail power supply architectures. The output voltage of the device can be configured to track a higher voltage rail using the SS/TRK pin. If the output of the LM20242 is pre-biased at startup it will not sink current to pull the output low until the internal soft-start ramp exceeds the voltage at the feedback pin.

The LM20242 is offered in an exposed pad 20 pin HTSSOP package that can be soldered to the PCB, eliminating the need for bulky heatsinks.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet LM20242 36V, 2A PowerWise ® Adjustable Frequency Synchronous Buck Regulator datasheet (Rev. E) 28 Mär 2013
Selection guide Power Management Guide 2018 (Rev. R) 25 Jun 2018
EVM User's guide AN-1694 LM20242 Evaluation Board (Rev. B) 05 Mai 2013
Application note AN-2077 LM20k POL Module (Rev. A) 03 Mai 2013
User guide LM20242 Demonstration Board User Guide 27 Jan 2012

Design und Entwicklung

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LM20242EVAL — 36 V, 2 A, PowerWise®-Evaluierungsmodul für Synchron-Abwärtsregler mit einstellbarer Frequenz

The LM20242 synchronous rectifier Buck evaluation board is designed to provide the design engineer with a fully functional Buck power converter based on Current Mode Control to evaluate the LM20242 switching regulator IC. The evaluation board provides a 3.3V output with 2A current capability. The (...)

Benutzerhandbuch: PDF

LM20242 Demonstration Board CAD File

SNVC015.ZIP (436 KB)

LM20242DESIGN-CALC — LM20242 Rechner-Spreadsheet


PMP4494 — DC-DC-Wandler, 5 V zu 3,3 V, 1,2 A, mit 200 mS-Vout-Haltezeit-Schaltkreis – Referenzdesign

The PMP4494 is a 5V to 3.3V 1.2A DC-DC converter with a Vout hold-up circuit. The synchronous buck converter LM20242 is used in the design to provide high efficiency for the system voltage. A boost converter TPS61170 boosts an auxiliary rail from 10V up to 20V to provide the backup voltage. A (...)
Test report: PDF
Schaltplan: PDF
Gehäuse Pins CAD-Symbole, Footprints und 3D-Modelle
HTSSOP (PWP) 20 Ultra Librarian

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  • Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
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