SLVAFC1 April   2022 ESD2CAN24-Q1 , ESD2CANFD24-Q1 , ESD2CANXL24-Q1 , TCAN1042-Q1 , TCAN1042G-Q1 , TCAN1042GV-Q1 , TCAN1042H-Q1 , TCAN1042HGV-Q1 , TCAN1042HV , TCAN1042HV-Q1 , TCAN1042V-Q1 , TCAN1043-Q1 , TCAN1043A-Q1 , TCAN1043G-Q1 , TCAN1044-Q1 , TCAN1044A-Q1 , TCAN1044AEV-Q1 , TCAN1044AV-Q1 , TCAN1044V-Q1 , TCAN1046A-Q1 , TCAN1046AV-Q1 , TCAN1048AV-Q1 , TCAN1051-Q1 , TCAN1051GV-Q1 , TCAN1051H-Q1 , TCAN1051HGV-Q1 , TCAN1051HV-Q1 , TCAN1051V-Q1 , TCAN1057A-Q1 , TCAN1057AEV-Q1 , TCAN1057AV-Q1 , TCAN1145-Q1 , TCAN1146-Q1 , TCAN1162-Q1 , TCAN11623-Q1 , TCAN11625-Q1 , TCAN1164-Q1 , TCAN1167-Q1 , TCAN1462-Q1 , TCAN1463-Q1 , TCAN1473-Q1 , TCAN4550-Q1 , TCAN4551-Q1


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ESD Protection Requirements

Many CAN transceivers have built-in ESD protection cells, but to keep the size of the chip down, most of them only protect up to 8 kV. As it was previously mentioned, depending on the environment, some ESD strikes can get up to 30 kV. Due to this, an external ESD protection diode is needed to increase the system-level ESD performance. Below are the key considerations and parameters needed to select a proper ESD protection diode:

  • Working Voltage (Vrwm) and Polarity
    • The Vrwm of the diode is dependent on the application they will be used in. Under ideal conditions, the CAN bus voltage levels swing between Vcc (5 V or 3.3 V) on CANH and 0 V on CANL. However, in vehicles, there is a common mode voltage present depending on the battery voltage. Smaller vehicles will use 12 V batteries and larger vehicles like 18-wheelers will use 24 V batteries. In addition to this common-mode voltage, there is also the risk of an improper jumpstart if the vehicle’s battery is almost dead. The proper way to jumpstart a vehicle is to connect a battery of another car in parallel with the dead battery. A person that does not know this might connect both batteries in series, doubling the overall voltage of the car. In the case of a 12 V battery, a 24 V ESD diode is needed to ensure that it does not burn up in this series jumpstart scenario. In the case of a 24 V battery that consists of two 12 V cells, a 36 V diode is needed since the cells are charged individually. All diodes need to be bidirectional to account for line faults and miswiring.
  • IEC 61000-4-2 Rating
    • The IEC 61000-4-2 standard defines a waveform that simulates a real-world ESD strike, contrary to waveforms like human body model (HBM) and charged device model (CDM) that simulate ESD events in a controlled environment. Since certain environmental elements such as humidity and temperature make ESD strikes more strenuous, it is recommended that the ESD diode has a minimum contact rating of 15 kV.
  • ISO 10605 Rating
    • The ISO 10605 standard defines a waveform that simulates a real-world ESD strike in an automotive environment. This waveform defines many different capacitance and resistance combinations, contrary to IEC 61000-4-2 that only calls for 150 pF/330 Ω. The most strenuous of these combinations is the 330 pF/330 Ω, which is more strenuous than an IEC 61000-4-2 waveform. To survive ESD strikes in harsh automotive environments, it is recommended that the ESD diode has a minimum contact rating of 15 kV.
  • Capacitance
    • An ESD diode should have a low capacitance to minimize signal degradation. The maximum allowable diode capacitance can vary between signal speeds (LS CAN vs CAN FD), transceiver capacitance, network size, and other components on the CANH and CANL lines like filtering capacitors. Generally, it is recommended to keep the diode capacitance below 15 pF. However, system architects look for diodes with the lowest possible capacitance to maximize their total capacitance budget for the system.
  • Clamping Voltage
    • Clamping voltage requirements can vary depending on the CAN transceiver being used. The important thing to note is that the clamping voltage should be less than the abs max rating of the CANH and CANL pins.
  • Package
    • For CAN applications, many systems require automatic optical inspection for their boards to confirm that all components are soldered on properly. To allow for this, leaded packages like SOT-23 and SC70 are recommended for ESD diodes.