
イネーブル搭載、シングルチャネル、150Mbps デジタル・アイソレータ


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ISO7710 アクティブ 信頼性の高い EMC 特性、シングルチャネル、強化絶縁型デジタル・アイソレータ Higher isolation rating and higher CMTI


Rating Catalog Integrated isolated power No Isolation rating Basic Number of channels 1 Forward/reverse channels 1 forward / 0 reverse Default output High Data rate (max) (Mbps) 150 Surge isolation voltage (VIOSM) (VPK) 4000 Transient isolation voltage (VIOTM) (VPK) 4000 Withstand isolation voltage (VISO) (Vrms) 2500 CMTI (min) (V/µs) 25000 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Supply voltage (max) (V) 5 Supply voltage (min) (V) 3.3 Propagation delay time (typ) (µs) 0.019 Current consumption per channel (DC) (typ) (mA) 4.3 Creepage (min) (mm) 6 Clearance (min) (mm) 6
Rating Catalog Integrated isolated power No Isolation rating Basic Number of channels 1 Forward/reverse channels 1 forward / 0 reverse Default output High Data rate (max) (Mbps) 150 Surge isolation voltage (VIOSM) (VPK) 4000 Transient isolation voltage (VIOTM) (VPK) 4000 Withstand isolation voltage (VISO) (Vrms) 2500 CMTI (min) (V/µs) 25000 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Supply voltage (max) (V) 5 Supply voltage (min) (V) 3.3 Propagation delay time (typ) (µs) 0.019 Current consumption per channel (DC) (typ) (mA) 4.3 Creepage (min) (mm) 6 Clearance (min) (mm) 6
SOIC (D) 8 29.4 mm² 4.9 x 6
  • 100 and 150Mbps signaling rate options
  • Propagation delay is 12ns typical.
  • Pulse skew is 0.5ns typical.
  • Low-power sleep mode
  • Typical 28year life at rated working voltage (see Isolation Lifetime Projection)

  • High electromagnetic immunity (see application note ISO72x Digital Isolator Magnetic-Field Immunity)
  • Failsafe output
  • Drop-in replacement for most opto and magnetic isolators
  • Operates from 3.3V and 5V supplies
  • –40°C to +125°C operating temperature range
  • Safety-related certifications:
    • DIN EN IEC 60747-17 (VDE 0884-17)
    • UL 1577 component recognition program
    • IEC 61010-1, IEC 62368-1 certifications
  • 100 and 150Mbps signaling rate options
  • Propagation delay is 12ns typical.
  • Pulse skew is 0.5ns typical.
  • Low-power sleep mode
  • Typical 28year life at rated working voltage (see Isolation Lifetime Projection)

  • High electromagnetic immunity (see application note ISO72x Digital Isolator Magnetic-Field Immunity)
  • Failsafe output
  • Drop-in replacement for most opto and magnetic isolators
  • Operates from 3.3V and 5V supplies
  • –40°C to +125°C operating temperature range
  • Safety-related certifications:
    • DIN EN IEC 60747-17 (VDE 0884-17)
    • UL 1577 component recognition program
    • IEC 61010-1, IEC 62368-1 certifications

The ISO721, ISO721M, ISO722, and ISO722M devices are digital isolators with a logic input and output buffer separated by a silicon dioxide (SiO2) insulation barrier. This barrier provides galvanic isolation of up to 4000 VPK per VDE 0884-17. Used in conjunction with isolated power supplies, these devices prevent noise currents on a data bus or other circuits from entering the local ground, and interfering with or damaging sensitive circuitry.

A binary input signal is conditioned, translated to a balanced signal, then differentiated by the capacitive isolation barrier. Across the isolation barrier, a differential comparator receives the logic transition information, then sets or resets a flip-flop and the output circuit accordingly. A periodic update pulse is sent across the barrier to provide the proper dc level of the output.

If this dc-refresh pulse is not received for more than 4µs, the input is assumed to be unpowered or not being actively driven, and the failsafe circuit drives the output to a logic-high state.

These devices require two supply voltages of 3.3V, 5V, or any combination. All inputs are 5V tolerant when supplied from a 3.3V supply and all outputs are 4mA CMOS.

The ISO722 and ISO722M devices include an active-low output enable that when driven to a high logic level, places the output in a high-impedance state and turns off internal bias circuitry to conserve power.

The ISO721 and ISO722 devices have TTL input thresholds and a noise filter at the input that prevent transient pulses of up to 2 ns in duration from being passed to the output of the device.

The ISO721M and ISO722M devices have CMOS VCC / 2 input thresholds, but do not have the noise-filter and the additional propagation delay. These features of the ISO721M device also provide for reduced-jitter operation.

The ISO721, ISO721M, ISO722, and ISO722M devices are characterized for operation over the ambient temperature range of –40°C to +125°C.

The ISO721, ISO721M, ISO722, and ISO722M devices are digital isolators with a logic input and output buffer separated by a silicon dioxide (SiO2) insulation barrier. This barrier provides galvanic isolation of up to 4000 VPK per VDE 0884-17. Used in conjunction with isolated power supplies, these devices prevent noise currents on a data bus or other circuits from entering the local ground, and interfering with or damaging sensitive circuitry.

A binary input signal is conditioned, translated to a balanced signal, then differentiated by the capacitive isolation barrier. Across the isolation barrier, a differential comparator receives the logic transition information, then sets or resets a flip-flop and the output circuit accordingly. A periodic update pulse is sent across the barrier to provide the proper dc level of the output.

If this dc-refresh pulse is not received for more than 4µs, the input is assumed to be unpowered or not being actively driven, and the failsafe circuit drives the output to a logic-high state.

These devices require two supply voltages of 3.3V, 5V, or any combination. All inputs are 5V tolerant when supplied from a 3.3V supply and all outputs are 4mA CMOS.

The ISO722 and ISO722M devices include an active-low output enable that when driven to a high logic level, places the output in a high-impedance state and turns off internal bias circuitry to conserve power.

The ISO721 and ISO722 devices have TTL input thresholds and a noise filter at the input that prevent transient pulses of up to 2 ns in duration from being passed to the output of the device.

The ISO721M and ISO722M devices have CMOS VCC / 2 input thresholds, but do not have the noise-filter and the additional propagation delay. These features of the ISO721M device also provide for reduced-jitter operation.

The ISO721, ISO721M, ISO722, and ISO722M devices are characterized for operation over the ambient temperature range of –40°C to +125°C.

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star =TI が選定したこの製品の主要ドキュメント
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種類 タイトル 最新の英語版をダウンロード 日付
* データシート ISO72x Single-Channel High-Speed Digital Isolators データシート (Rev. M) PDF | HTML 2024年 10月 22日
証明書 VDE Certificate for Basic Isolation for DIN EN IEC 60747-17 (Rev. X) 2025年 1月 8日
アプリケーション・ノート Digital Isolator Design Guide (Rev. G) PDF | HTML 2023年 9月 13日
ホワイト・ペーパー Improve Your System Performance by Replacing Optocouplers with Digital Isolators (Rev. C) PDF | HTML 2023年 9月 7日
証明書 CSA Certificate for ISO72xD 2023年 2月 21日
証明書 UL Certificate of Compliance File E181974 Vol 3 Sec 1 2022年 8月 8日
ホワイト・ペーパー Why are Digital Isolators Certified to Meet Electrical Equipment Standards? 2021年 11月 16日
ホワイト・ペーパー Distance Through Insulation: How Digital Isolators Meet Certification Requiremen PDF | HTML 2021年 6月 11日
EVM ユーザー ガイド (英語) Universal Digital Isolator Evaluation Module PDF | HTML 2021年 3月 4日
アプリケーション・ノート ISO72x Digital Isolator Magnetic-Field Immunity (Rev. B) 2018年 8月 7日
アプリケーション・ノート High-Voltage Lifetime of the ISO72x Family of Digital Isolators (Rev. A) 2018年 8月 1日
アプリケーション・ノート The ISO72x Family of High-Speed Digital Isolators (Rev. A) 2018年 8月 1日
アプリケーション概要 Considerations for Selecting Digital Isolators 2018年 7月 24日
アプリケーション・ノート ISO72X デジタル・アイソレータ、磁界耐性 最新英語版 (Rev.B) 2006年 11月 6日




DIGI-ISO-EVM — ユニバーサル・デジタル・アイソレータ評価モジュール

DIGI-ISO-EVM は、以下の 5 種類のパッケージのいずれかに封止されている、TI のシングルチャネル、デュアルチャネル、トリプルチャネル、クワッドチャネル、または 6 チャネル デジタル アイソレータ デバイスの評価に使用できる評価基板です。幅の狭い 8 ピン SOIC (D)、幅の広い 8 ピン SOIC (DWV)、幅の広い 16 ピン SOIC (DW)、超幅広 16 ピン SOIC (DWW)、16 ピン QSOP (DBQ) の各パッケージ。この評価基板 (EVM) は十分な数の Berg ピン (...)

ユーザー ガイド: PDF | HTML

ISO72x IBIS Model (Rev. A)

SLLC282A.ZIP (15 KB) - IBIS Model
パッケージ ピン数 CAD シンボル、フットプリント、および 3D モデル
SOIC (D) 8 Ultra Librarian


  • RoHS
  • デバイスのマーキング
  • リード端子の仕上げ / ボールの原材料
  • MSL 定格 / ピーク リフロー
  • MTBF/FIT 推定値
  • 使用原材料
  • 認定試験結果
  • 継続的な信頼性モニタ試験結果
  • ファブの拠点
  • 組み立てを実施した拠点


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