&Plusmn;12-V-Eingang, Präzisions-Spannungsmessung verstärkter isolierter Verstärker
- Offered in High-Grade (ISO224B) and Low-Grade (ISO224A) Versions
- ±12-V Input Voltage Range Optimized for Isolated Voltage Measurement in Industrial Applications
- Overvoltage Input Clamp With 9-kV ESD
- ±4-V Differential Output Voltage Range With Common-Mode at VDD2 / 2
- Low DC-Error Operation (ISO224B):
- Input Offset: ±5 mV at 25°C, ±15 µV/°C max
- Gain Error: ±0.3% at 25°C, ±35 ppm/°C max
- Nonlinearity: ±0.01% max, ±0.1 ppm/°C typ
- 4.5-V to 18-V Single-Supply on High-Side
- 4.5-V to 5.5-V Operation on Low-Side
- Safety-Related Certifications:
- 7071-VPEAK Reinforced Isolation per DIN VDE V 0884-11: 2017-01
- 5000-VRMS Isolation for 1 Minute per UL1577
- High CMTI (ISO224B): 80 kV/µs (typ)
The ISO224 is a precision isolated amplifier with an output separated from the input circuitry by an isolation barrier with high immunity to magnetic interference. This barrier is certified to provide reinforced galvanic isolation of up to 5 kVRMS with an exceptionally long lifetime and low power dissipation. When used with isolated power supplies, this device separates parts of the system that operate on different common-mode voltage levels and protects lower-voltage devices from damage.
The input of the ISO224 is optimized for accurate sensing of ±10-V signals that are widely used in industrial applications. The device operates of a single supply on the high-side. This unique feature simplifies the design of the isolated power supply and reduces the system cost. The integrated high-side supply voltage detection feature simplifies system level diagnostics. The ±4-V output of the ISO224 allows lower-cost analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) to be used. The differential structure of the output supports high immunity to noise.
The ISO224 is fully specified over the extended industrial temperature range of –55°C to +125°C and is available in a wide-body 8-pin SOIC (DWV) package.
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ISO224EVM — ISO224-Evaluierungsmodul
The ISO224 evaluation module (EVM) is an evaluation platform for ISO224, which is a 7-kV reinforced isolation amplifier designed for use in voltage-measuring applications. ISO224EVM allows the user to explore all the features of the ISO224 device. ISO224EVM also features a bipolar (...)
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Gehäuse | Pins | CAD-Symbole, Footprints und 3D-Modelle |
SOIC (DWV) | 8 | Ultra Librarian |
Bestellen & Qualität
- RoHS
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