Startseite Energiemanagement AC/DC- und DC/DC-Wandler (integrierter FET)



4,2-V bis 42-V, 0.6-A, ultra-kompakter Synchron-Abwärtswandler

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Selbe Funktionalität wie der verglichene Baustein bei abweichender Anschlussbelegung
LMR36006-Q1 AKTIV 4,2-V bis 60-V, 0.6-A, ultra-kompakter Synchron-Abwärtswandler Pin-to-pin with LMR34206-Q1. High frequency and tight current limit to lower inductor size.


Rating Automotive Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 TI functional safety category Functional Safety-Capable Topology Buck Type Converter Iout (max) (A) 0.6 Vin (min) (V) 3.6 Vin (max) (V) 42 Switching frequency (min) (kHz) 400 Switching frequency (max) (kHz) 2100 Features Enable, Fixed Output, Light Load Efficiency, Power good, Soft Start Fixed, Spread Spectrum, Synchronous Rectification, Wettable flanks package EMI features Low parasitic Hotrod packaging, Spread Spectrum Control mode current mode Vout (min) (V) 3.3 Vout (max) (V) 40 Iq (typ) (µA) 25 Duty cycle (max) (%) 99
Rating Automotive Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 TI functional safety category Functional Safety-Capable Topology Buck Type Converter Iout (max) (A) 0.6 Vin (min) (V) 3.6 Vin (max) (V) 42 Switching frequency (min) (kHz) 400 Switching frequency (max) (kHz) 2100 Features Enable, Fixed Output, Light Load Efficiency, Power good, Soft Start Fixed, Spread Spectrum, Synchronous Rectification, Wettable flanks package EMI features Low parasitic Hotrod packaging, Spread Spectrum Control mode current mode Vout (min) (V) 3.3 Vout (max) (V) 40 Iq (typ) (µA) 25 Duty cycle (max) (%) 99
VQFN-HR (RNX) 12 6 mm² 3 x 2
  • AEC-Q100-qualified for automotive applications:
    • Temperature grade 1: –40°C to +125°C, TA
  • Designed for automotive applications
    • Junction temperature range –40°C to +150°C
    • Protection features: thermal shutdown, input undervoltage lockout, cycle-by-cycle current limit, hiccup short-circuit protection
    • 0.2-V dropout with 0.6-A load (typical)
    • ±1.5% reference voltage tolerance
    • 3.3-V, 5-V fixed-output voltage options
  • Suited for scalable power supplies
  • Integration reduces solution size and cost
    • Small, 2-mm × 3-mm VQFN package with wettable flanks
      • Few external components
    • Low power dissipation across load spectrum
      • Increased light load efficiency in PFM
      • Low operating quiescent current of 24 µA
    • Optimized for ultra low EMI requirements
      • Meets CISPR25 class 5 standard
      • Hotrod™ package minimizes switch node ringing
      • Parallel input path minimizes parasitic inductance
      • Spread spectrum reduces peak emissions
    • AEC-Q100-qualified for automotive applications:
      • Temperature grade 1: –40°C to +125°C, TA
    • Designed for automotive applications
      • Junction temperature range –40°C to +150°C
      • Protection features: thermal shutdown, input undervoltage lockout, cycle-by-cycle current limit, hiccup short-circuit protection
      • 0.2-V dropout with 0.6-A load (typical)
      • ±1.5% reference voltage tolerance
      • 3.3-V, 5-V fixed-output voltage options
    • Suited for scalable power supplies
    • Integration reduces solution size and cost
      • Small, 2-mm × 3-mm VQFN package with wettable flanks
        • Few external components
      • Low power dissipation across load spectrum
        • Increased light load efficiency in PFM
        • Low operating quiescent current of 24 µA
      • Optimized for ultra low EMI requirements
        • Meets CISPR25 class 5 standard
        • Hotrod™ package minimizes switch node ringing
        • Parallel input path minimizes parasitic inductance
        • Spread spectrum reduces peak emissions

      The LMR34206-Q1 regulator is an easy-to-use, synchronous, step-down DC/DC converter. With integrated high-side and low-side power MOSFETs, up to of output current is delivered over a wide input voltage range of 4.2 V to 42 V.

      The LMR34206-Q1 uses peak-current-mode control to provide optimal efficiency and output voltage accuracy. Precision enable gives flexibility by enabling a direct connection to the wide input voltage or precise control over device start-up and shutdown. The power-good flag, with built-in filtering and delay, offers a true indication of system status eliminating the requirement for an external supervisor.

      The LMR34206-Q1 is in a HotRod™ package which enables low EMI, higher efficiency, and the smallest package to die ratio. The device requires few external components and has a pinout designed for simple PCB layout. The small solution size and feature set of the LMR34206-Q1 are designed to simplify implementation for a wide range of end equipment.

      The LMR34206-Q1 regulator is an easy-to-use, synchronous, step-down DC/DC converter. With integrated high-side and low-side power MOSFETs, up to of output current is delivered over a wide input voltage range of 4.2 V to 42 V.

      The LMR34206-Q1 uses peak-current-mode control to provide optimal efficiency and output voltage accuracy. Precision enable gives flexibility by enabling a direct connection to the wide input voltage or precise control over device start-up and shutdown. The power-good flag, with built-in filtering and delay, offers a true indication of system status eliminating the requirement for an external supervisor.

      The LMR34206-Q1 is in a HotRod™ package which enables low EMI, higher efficiency, and the smallest package to die ratio. The device requires few external components and has a pinout designed for simple PCB layout. The small solution size and feature set of the LMR34206-Q1 are designed to simplify implementation for a wide range of end equipment.

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      Technische Dokumentation

      star =Von TI ausgewählte Top-Empfehlungen für dieses Produkt
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      Alle anzeigen 6
      Typ Titel Datum
      * Data sheet LMR34206-Q1 4.2-V to 42-V, 0.6-A Ultra-Small Synchronous Step-Down Converter datasheet (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 03 Okt 2019
      Selection guide Buck Converter Quick Reference Guide (Rev. B) 08 Apr 2021
      Technical article Powering levels of autonomy: a quick guide to DC/DC solutions for SAE autonomy lev 18 Nov 2020
      Technical article Optimizing flip-chip IC thermal performance in automotive designs PDF | HTML 11 Dez 2019
      EVM User's guide LMR34206 and LMR34215 EVM User's Guide 26 Sep 2019
      Design guide Automotive ADAS camera power supply reference design (Rev. A) 22 Aug 2019

      Design und Entwicklung

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      Bestellen & Qualität

      Beinhaltete Information:
      • RoHS
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      • Bausteinkennzeichnung
      • Blei-Finish/Ball-Material
      • MSL-Rating / Spitzenrückfluss
      • MTBF-/FIT-Schätzungen
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      • Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
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