Einstellbarer Präzisions-Shunt-Regler, 2,5 V, mit niedrigem Ruhestrom
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Selbe Funktionalität wie der verglichene Baustein bei gleicher Anschlussbelegung
- Adjustable Regulated Output of 2.5V to 36V
- Very-Low Operating Current
- IKA(min) = 35µA (Maximum)
- IREF = 150nA (Maximum)
- Internally Compensated for Stability
- Stable With No Capacitive Load
- Reference Voltage Tolerances at 25°C
- 0.5% for B Grade
- 1% for A Grade
- Typical Temperature Drift
- 5mV (–40°C to +85°C); I Version
- 6mV (–40°C to +125°C); Q Version
- Extended Cathode Current Range 35µA to 100mA
- Low Output Impedance of 0.3Ω (Maximum)
The ATL431 and ATL432 are three-terminal adjustable shunt regulators, with specified thermal stability over applicable automotive, commercial, and industrial temperature ranges. The output voltage can be set to any value between Vref (approximately 2.5V) and 36V, with two external resistors. These devices have a typical output impedance of 0.05Ω. Active output circuitry provides a very sharp turn-on characteristic, making these devices excellent replacements for Zener diodes in many applications, such as onboard regulation, adjustable power supplies, and switching power supplies.
The ATL43x has > 20x improvement cathode current range over its TL43x predecessor. It also is stable with a wider range of load capacitance types and values.
ATL431 and ATL432 are the exact same parts but with different pinouts and order numbers. The ATL43x is offered in two grades, with initial tolerances (at 25°C) of 0.5%, 1%, for the B and A grade, respectively. In addition, low output drift vs temperature ensures consistent voltage regulation over the entire temperature range.
The ATL43xxI devices are characterized for operation from –40°C to +85°C, and the ATL43xxQ devices are characterized for operation from –40°C to +125°C.
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