Visión artificial

Design smart and efficient machine vision applications with our analog and embedded processing products

Our end-equipment reference designs and integrated components enable you to easily and quickly build machine vision applications. Integrate multipurpose processors with artificial intelligence (AI) accelerators and high-speed communication interfaces such as Gigabit Ethernet, single-pair Ethernet, USB 3.0 and Power over Ethernet.

Why choose TI for your machine vision designs?


Energy efficiency

Reduce system power, latency and cost with deep learning and vision accelerators that enable industry-leading energy efficiency.


Large-scale data processing

Enhance data processing for video streaming and machine vision, with our dedicated solutions that quickly and reliably process large amounts of data in multi-core processors and accelerators.


Sensor fusion in any environment

Enable a safer and improved machine vision experience with advanced sensing technologies for camera and radar sensing.

Engineering advanced machine vision designs

Advancing intelligence at the edge using one platform for single- and multicamera systems

Our vision processors enable you to execute facial recognition, object detection, pose estimation and other artificial intelligence (AI) features in real time using the same software. With scalable performance for as many as 12 cameras, you can build smart security cameras, autonomous mobile robots and everything in between. You will be equipped with low-power vision, energy-efficient automation and high-performance autonomy. To start testing, find free evaluation development tools such as TI Edge AI Studio, industry-standard application programming interfaces, and frameworks.

White paper
Advanced AI Vision Processing Using AM69A for Smart Camera Applications
The AM69A processor is a high-end edge artificial intelligence (AI) device for industrial applications, where multiple camera inputs are processed for high-performance analytics at low power and low latency.
Application note
Vision AI-Based Defect Detection on AM62A Using TI Edge AI Studio
This document describes the complete process of building a defect detection application starting from data collection, deep learning model selection, model training and model deployment using our Edge AI Studio tools.
Technical article
How are sensors and processors creating more intelligent and autonomous robots?
While sensor fusion helps robots to be more accurate, using AI at the edge can help make robots intelligent. AI at the edge into can help enable robots to intelligently perceive, make decisions and perform actions.
Featured products for edge AI
AM62A7 ACTIVO 2 TOPS visión SoC con RGB-IR ISP para 1 o 2 cámaras, sistemas de baja potencia, visión artificial, r
AM68A ACTIVO SoC de visión 8 TOPS para entre 1 y 8 cámaras, visión artificial, tráfico inteligente y automatizaci
Nuevo AM69A PRESENTACIÓN PRELIMINAR Sistema en chip (SoC) de visión 32 TOPS para entre 1 y 12 cámaras, robots móviles autónomos, visi

Simplify machine vision and PLC communication

Industrial Ethernet interfaces with Power over Ethernet enable precise and reliable communication between machine vision devices to programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and Ethernet gateways. High-speed video SerDes over V3Link simultaneously transmits high-speed video, power, bidirectional clocking, control and more over a single wire, enabling the use of a slimmer microcoaxial cable.

Technical article
How to transfer high-resolution video data over a single wire in machine vision-ba
From medical imaging applications to machine vision cameras, edge AI is driving the need for real-time video capture, transfer and analysis. V3Link SerDes ICs help engineers meet these needs. Read more.
Application brief
Choosing PoE PSE System Software Solutions
System designs may be configured to support different features, optimize size and BOM, or offer more control. Read about three different Power Sourcing Equipment (PSE) system software solutions outlined in this brief. 
Featured products for industrial communication
DP83867E ACTIVO Transceptor PHY gigabit ethernet de baja latencia resistente y temperatura ampliada con SGMII
TPS23758 ACTIVO PD de PoE IEEE 802.3at con controlador CC-CC de retorno sincronizado sin opto
DP83TC812R-Q1 ACTIVO PHY Ethernet 100BASE-T1 para automoción compatible con TC-10 con RGMII

Sensing technologies for accurate and reliable machine vision

Leverage our portfolio of highly accurate sensors with quick response times to capture necessary information, enabling real-time control and autonomy in a wide range of applications.

White paper
High accuracy 3D scanning using Texas Instruments DLP® technology for structured (Rev. A)
DLP technology is ideal for 3D scanning and machine vision solutions due to its tremendous versatility to customize patterns at very high speeds and its ability to pair with multiple light sources and wavelengths. Read more.
Technical article
Achieving accuracy in bin picking with TI DLP® technology-powered structured light
DLP technology provides a high speed pattern projection capability through a micro-mirrors matrix assembled on top of a semiconductor chip know as a digital micro-mirror device (DMD). Read more.
Featured products for sensing
DRV2901 ACTIVO Controlador piezotransductor monocanal con entrada PWM para limpieza ultrasónica con amplio rango
ULC1001 ACTIVO DSP configurable para limpieza ultrasónica de lentes con medición de corriente y tensión y salida de
DLP500YX ACTIVO Dispositivo de microespejo digital (DMD) S410, matriz de 2048 × 1200, 0.50 pulgadas DLP®

Streamline your functional safety system certification

TI Functional Safety-Compliant components help you meet rigorous functional safety standards such as International Electrotechnical Commission 61508 and International Organization for Standardization 13849. Streamline your certification process by relying on our engineers' expertise; documentation resources such as failure-in-time rate and failure modes, effects and diagnostic analysis; safety certificates; and software diagnostics libraries.

Functional safety information
Streamlining Functional Safety Certification in Automotive and Industrial
Whether you're designing for the factory floor or the highway, this white paper explains how we approach designing integrated circuits (ICs) and provides the resources to help you streamline your functional safety designs.
White paper
Understanding Functional Safety FIT Base Failure Rate Estimates per IEC 62380 and SN 29500 (Rev. A)
Achieving functional safety compliance requires the addressing of both systematic and random hardware failures. Read about two techniques for estimating the base failure rate required to calculate quantitative random hardware.
Functional safety at TI
This video gives an overview of functional safety at TI, showcasing TI's history in functional safety and detailing the documentation available to aide your design.
Featured products for functional safety
AM6442 ACTIVO Arm® Cortex®-A53 de 64 bits de doble núcleo, Cortex-R5F de cuatro núcleos, PCIe, USB 3.0 y seguridad
TPS65219 ACTIVO Administración de energía integrada (PMIC) para procesadores Arm® Cortex®-A53 y FPGA
TPS2662 ACTIVO eFuse de 0.025-0.88 A, 4.5 V a 60 V, 478 mΩ, con protección de polaridad inversa de entrada y salida

Recursos de diseño y desarrollo

Placa de evaluación
EVM del kit de inicio AM62x con PMIC

El módulo de evaluación (EVM) del kit de inicio (SK) SK-AM62B-P1 es una plataforma independiente de pruebas y desarrollo basada en el sistema en chip (SoC) AM62x. Los procesadores AM62x están compuestos por un microprocesador Arm®-Cortex®-A53 de cuatro núcleos y 64 bits y un MCU Arm Cortex-M4F de (...)

GUI para el módulo de evaluación (EVM)
Software de desarrollo Altia® GUI para procesadores AM62x Sitara™.

Altia specializes in graphical user interface (GUI) development software and services for production-embedded displays. Designed into over 100-million devices worldwide, Altia is used by companies in the automotive, medical, consumer electronics and industrial device industries for getting (...)

Herramienta de cálculo
Herramienta de estimación de potencia (PET) AM62x

The AM62x power-estimation tool (PET) spreadsheet allows the user to calculate power consumption estimates based on measured and simulated data. Estimates are provided as is and are not ensured within a specified precision. Power consumption depends on electrical parameters, silicon process (...)

Diseños de referencia relacionados con Visión artificial

Utilice nuestra herramienta de selección de diseños de referencia para encontrar los diseños más adecuados para su aplicación y sus parámetros.

Technology that's making the future of embedded possible is transforming smart homes, cities, factories and vehicles, optimizing everyday electronics and unlocking new ways to create a better world.
Más información

Recursos técnicos

White paper
White paper
Enabling Low Power Embedded Systems With AM62x Processors
This paper presents novel features and techniques developed on the AM62x processors - a next-generation Sitara MPU device from Texas Instruments.
document-pdfAcrobat PDF
Technical article
Technical article
Three key considerations for the next generation of HMI (Rev. A)
In this technical article, learn about emerging trends and requirements for next generation HMI applications.
document-pdfAcrobat PDF
White paper
White paper
Time Sensitive Networking for Industrial Automation (Rev. C)
Drive the economy forward using hard real-time, deterministic communication links with better reliability.
document-pdfAcrobat PDF