0.7-inch XGA DLP® digital micromirror device (DMD)
- 0.7-Inch diagonal micromirror array
- 1024 × 768 array of Al, micrometer-sized mirrors
- 13.68-µm micromirror pitch
- ±12° micromirror tilt angle (relative to flat state)
- Designed for corner illumination
- Use with visible light (400 nm to 700 nm):
- Window transmission 97% (single pass, through two window surfaces)
- Micromirror reflectivity 88%
- Array diffraction efficiency 86%
- Array fill factor 92%
- Two 16-Bit, low voltage differential signaling (LVDS) double data rate (DDR) input data buses
- Iinput data clock rate up to 400 MHz
- 40.64 mm × 31.75 mm × 6.0 mm package
- Hermetic package
The DLP7000 XGA Chipset is part of the DLP Discovery™ 4100 platform, which enables high resolution and high performance spatial light modulation. The DLP7000 is the digital micromirror device (DMD) fundamental to the 0.7 XGA chipset, and currently supports the fastest pattern rates in the DLP catalog portfolio. The DLP Discovery 4100 platform also provides the highest level of individual micromirror control with the option for random row addressing. Combined with a hermetic package, the unique capability and value offered by DLP7000 makes it well suited to support a wide variety of industrial, medical, and advanced display applications.
In addition to the DLP7000 DMD, the 0.7 XGA Chipset includes these components:
- Dedicated DLPC410 controller for high speed pattern rates of >32000 Hz (1-bit binary) and >4000 Hz (8-bit gray)
- One unit DLPR410 (DLP Discovery 4100 Configuration PROM)
- One unit DLPA200 (DMD Micromirror Driver)
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Unterstützte Produkte und Hardware
Nah-UV Produkte (400 bis 420 mm)
Pico-Produkte mit Array ≥ 0,47 Zoll
Pico-Produkte mit Array ≤ 0,47 Zoll
UV-Produkte (< 400 nm)
Produkte für sichtbares Licht (420 bis 700 nm)
Produkte für Spektroskopie & optische Netzwerke
Außenbeleuchtungs- und Projektionsprodukte
Nahinfrarot Produkte (>700 mm)
Mehrkanal-ICs (PMICs)
Gehäuse | Pins | CAD-Symbole, Footprints und 3D-Modelle |
DLP-TYPEA.7 (FLP) | 203 | Ultra Librarian |
Bestellen & Qualität
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